We are not talking about bad garage production. We are talking HONEST production.

I've bit my tongue more than once throughout trying to read this thread. I originally started reading it just to find out something about the production of this album but I guess that topic has been side barred for your topic which is to overly criticize the work of another. With all due respect, can you kindly remove your ass from trying to wipe shit on everyone else's brains long enough for us to utilize this forum as a resource?

I'm sure there were lots of things that contributed to the production of yesteryear and I'm positive that technology had a hand into it. Do you honestly think these artists or their labels for that matter would prefer, since you are talking about preference so much, the recycling of throw away technology and its use in modern production? Part of the reason why the technology of the "good ole days" aren't still used is due to the fact that its been improved 20 times over. Not to mention the improvement and understanding of technology and how that relates to modern techniques which Andy and everyone else on this forum is interested in talking about.
I try again!

Hello Mr Sneap,
first of all congratulations for the last Testament album production!!

What I like in it (but usually in all cds mixed by you) is the ratio between bass and guitar and that your mixes sound in the right way about clarity without be too bright or harsh and with a great bass section.

So I have two questions:
- some tips about bass (instrument and bass in general)?
- do you use some filter to roll off the very high frequencies? or some good advice on how you manage them?

Thank you!!
I try again!

Hello Mr Sneap,
first of all congratulations for the last Testament album production!!

What I like in it (but usually in all cds mixed by you) is the ratio between bass and guitar and that your mixes sound in the right way about clarity without be too bright or harsh and with a great bass section.

So I have two questions:
- some tips about bass (instrument and bass in general)?
- do you use some filter to roll off the very high frequencies? or some good advice on how you manage them?

Thank you!!

Try this:


And in particular this one:

Posts like this are a reason people still use the term "Gay" in its offensive, archaic form. I hope not to offend any homosexuals out there, and I honestly try not to use this word as a negative descriptor, and I am genuinely happy that men can marry each other in California now, but really, the only suitable reply to this post is "Gay."


Fancy a date? You live in San Francisco right? Come on. Two guys and a cup? Kissy kissy?
I've bit my tongue more than once throughout trying to read this thread. I originally started reading it just to find out something about the production of this album but I guess that topic has been side barred for your topic which is to overly criticize the work of another. With all due respect, can you kindly remove your ass from trying to wipe shit on everyone else's brains long enough for us to utilize this forum as a resource?

I'm sure there were lots of things that contributed to the production of yesteryear and I'm positive that technology had a hand into it. Do you honestly think these artists or their labels for that matter would prefer, since you are talking about preference so much, the recycling of throw away technology and its use in modern production? Part of the reason why the technology of the "good ole days" aren't still used is due to the fact that its been improved 20 times over. Not to mention the improvement and understanding of technology and how that relates to modern techniques which Andy and everyone else on this forum is interested in talking about.

I called Sneap the king. best eva etc etc.

I am just getting pissy where now it is basically cheating when it comes to drums, reamping, perfect timing, click track paste etc etc etc.

When I see drummers suck ass live/speeding up/limp wrists/chopsticks on bricks double bass trigger etc but on disc they sound like Odins hammer it leaves me cold. It's FAKE.




Like keyboards in movie scores replacing real orchestras etc, it just dilutes the whole score where now metal albums remind me more of Clear Channel Networks idea of radio.

I'd love it if Andy's albums were the only ones but his methods have been stolen and the golden goose is being lost in an army of copycat ducks.

I think testaments new album hit home to me because the whole ethos of the thrash movement was Jeans, T-Shirt and no pretense.

Now we have Bostaph sounding like every other drummer out there because of SAMPLES, Skolnick going through the motions pretending he likes metal again and every song sounding the same because of mega production.

Skolnicks solos used to DRIP feeling, mojo and well crafted memorable witchcraft they sounded so good. Now he is just going up and down his fav scales.

I don't know man. I think we need to get back to bands sounding DIFFERENT and HONEST rather than paying talented peeps like Andy to make them sound godlike.

Testament don't need Bells and whistles. It is why they blew my mind when I heard them for the first time. Because I actually heard THEM.

Pete Townsend said it best. After Keith Moon died, he said every Who gig thereafter was like "The Who On Ice".

You can't bottle the aggression that Keith's drumming/abandon/skill/accents provided The Who.
Dude, are seriously still going on about this, give it a rest, we get it, but your on the Sneap board, dont be surprised that people disagree with you about not wanting "different" and "honest" production, a year from now when Im going through this thread again to find out this or that I will end up knowing more about what cool kid "thefyn" wants to hear on a metal album than what was used to record the damn thing.
I called Sneap the king. best eva etc etc.

I am just getting pissy where now it is basically cheating when it comes to drums, reamping, perfect timing, click track paste etc etc etc.

When I see drummers suck ass live/speeding up/limp wrists/chopsticks on bricks double bass trigger etc but on disc they sound like Odins hammer it leaves me cold. It's FAKE.




Like keyboards in movie scores replacing real orchestras etc, it just dilutes the whole score where now metal albums remind me more of Clear Channel Networks idea of radio.

I'd love it if Andy's albums were the only ones but his methods have been stolen and the golden goose is being lost in an army of copycat ducks.

I think testaments new album hit home to me because the whole ethos of the thrash movement was Jeans, T-Shirt and no pretense.

Now we have Bostaph sounding like every other drummer out there because of SAMPLES, Skolnick going through the motions pretending he likes metal again and every song sounding the same because of mega production.

Skolnicks solos used to DRIP feeling, mojo and well crafted memorable witchcraft they sounded so good. Now he is just going up and down his fav scales.

I don't know man. I think we need to get back to bands sounding DIFFERENT and HONEST rather than paying talented peeps like Andy to make them sound godlike.

Testament don't need Bells and whistles. It is why they blew my mind when I heard them for the first time. Because I actually head THEM.

Pete Townsend said it best. After Keith Moon died, he said every Who gig thereafter was like "The Who On Ice".

You can't bottle the aggression that Keith's drumming/abandon/skill/accents provided The Who.

It's already been stated: the only samples on the record were the kicks, which were a mix of mic and sample. You're gonna bust your toe if you keep kicking that dead horse. Also, you're confusing the "ethos of thrash" with "Shitty 80's recording budgets", and assuming that old recordings were somehow more honest than modern recordings (fallacy). Reamping is an OLD trick--likely older than anybody on this forum. Replacing/augmenting drum sounds is an OLD trick (Tommy Lee snare, anybody?).

I hate the production on Souls of Black, horribly. I like the material, but the guitar tones sound like my old Crate G-10. If you don't like the new Testament, that's your opinion, but you can't nail this all to a few common production techniques.
Like keyboards in movie scores replacing real orchestras etc, it just dilutes the whole score where now metal albums remind me more of Clear Channel Networks idea of radio.

Fucker, if Clear Channel ever pulls shit like F.E.A.R. on their own I will personally learn the drums and play genuine 80s thrash with shitty production in a chicken suit. Now you're just wanking.

I'd love it if Metallica/Megadeth/Testament/Exodus/Kreator/Destruction's albums were the only ones but their methods have been stolen and the golden goose is being lost in an army of copycat ducks.

Oh, wait, I just fucked up thrash metal. Sorry.

Now we have Bostaph sounding like every other drummer out there because of SAMPLES,

Samples: Just one kick, and you turn into everyone else. Friends don't let friends use samples.

Skolnick going through the motions pretending he likes metal again

Even if he doesn't like metal he can shred you a new asshole so big he has to perforate your ass with a bunch of little assholes and then tear it out. But as often as he does small shows with his trio, I'm sure you could just ask him in person "Hey, do you still like metal?" and completely destroy a great album by exposing one of its key players as a fraud...

and every song sounding the same because of mega production.

Mega Production: for when you don't want to write more than one song.

Seriously, are you trying to be the next jp22? Just quit while you're less behind than you will be very soon.

its ok, we're all good, we still wore jeans and t shirts.

You really are becoming boring now, if you think people wernt dropping in or editing back in the day you are sadly misguided. All the way down the line people have used studio tricks, I know two of the most metal moments on record that never actually happened.

Another thing you don't seem to grasp is with the way labels are pushing for deadlines etc alot of stuff is actually written in the studio, or its at a point where people haven't actually played it with the whole band there etc. So should we wait for the whole band to play live (which wouldn't happen) to get the correct vibe?

Really, you don't have the experience to be voicing these sort of opinions, I appreciate what you are saying but, and its a big BUT, bands are constantly striving for perfected recordings and what happens when someone like Paul or a guitar player like Gary Holt comes in and nails it silly tight.... should I loosen it up a bit?? No I don't think so.
its ok, we're all good, we still wore jeans and t shirts.

You really are becoming boring now, if you think people wernt dropping in or editing back in the day you are sadly misguided. All the way down the line people have used studio tricks, I know two of the most metal moments on record that never actually happened.

Another thing you don't seem to grasp is with the way labels are pushing for deadlines etc alot of stuff is actually written in the studio, or its at a point where people haven't actually played it with the whole band there etc. So should we wait for the whole band to play live (which wouldn't happen) to get the correct vibe?

Really, you don't have the experience to be voicing these sort of opinions, I appreciate what you are saying but, and its a big BUT, bands are constantly striving for perfected recordings and what happens when someone like Paul or a guitar player like Gary Holt comes in and nails it silly tight.... should I loosen it up a bit?? No I don't think so.

No doubt perfection is a more in demand.

I know old classic bands like Whiplash etc used a snare samples, and there was a lot of post editing etc etc but i think you know what I am bleating on about.

I did notice that the New Thrash is exploding faster than I thought. Check it out:




I remember picking up kerrangs with Sabbat on the front. :kickass:
could you PLEASE just stop it?
there are people on this forum that check this thread hoping to find valuable info on the production of testament's records, I'd rather have Andy using the little spare time he has on this forum telling us about the production than having to explain to you why he does things the way he does.
everyone has gotten you point, seriously, you won't convince anyone on this board and it's cool that you have your opinion and everything, but it gets really annoying!
just STOP it and leave this board what it's for! which is asking Andy questions about the production and how it was achieved.
could you PLEASE just stop it?
there are people on this forum that check this thread hoping to find valuable info on the production of testament's records, I'd rather have Andy using the little spare time he has on this forum telling us about the production than having to explain to you why he does things the way he does.
everyone has gotten you point, seriously, you won't convince anyone on this board and it's cool that you have your opinion and everything, but it gets really annoying!
just STOP it and leave this board what it's for! which is asking Andy questions about the production and how it was achieved.

could you PLEASE just stop it?
there are people on this forum that check this thread hoping to find valuable info on the production of testament's records, I'd rather have Andy using the little spare time he has on this forum telling us about the production than having to explain to you why he does things the way he does.
everyone has gotten you point, seriously, you won't convince anyone on this board and it's cool that you have your opinion and everything, but it gets really annoying!
just STOP it and leave this board what it's for! which is asking Andy questions about the production and how it was achieved.

Ah come on guys. I got gang raped on here for not loving it 100% and then back up my claims that looser production is on the rise with the Kerrang thing. Info is info and now you are all ITK.

I am chuffed because I suck at mega production and can pull off the underground sounding stuff.
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The new Testament record is in my opinion, PERFECT! I have been Testament fan for 20 years. This new album is a fucking MASTERPIECE! The Production is fucking "Nail-on-the-head" AWESOME! These days, I have a tendency to rip a mix to pieces when I first hear it. I could sit down with this one for a long time, and not find anything wrong with this Album, The Production, The Mix, or the Mastering. It's been in my CD player in the car since the day it came out. There have maybe been 3 or 4 days since then that I have not listened to it all the way through. Hell... I've tried to wear it out. I just can't!
Good job Andy and good job Chuck, Eric, Alex, Greg, and Paul!
scott will not be chuffed you think his gama bomb production is "looser production", Bonded went separate ways with Rosen half way through their record so I don't think you're little Kerrang posting has much substance.
I am chuffed because I suck at mega production and can pull off the underground sounding stuff.

Why in the hell would anyone be happy about that? I mean, shouldn't you want to get better at production/engineering, rather than settle for less, because you think it could make you some quick money? If some band's and their respective labels are settling for sub-par production these days, that's no reason for everyone with an MBox to go swooping in on the scene like a bunch of Vultures.