Genius Gone Insane
Ok, first of all, i Mentioned (many times) i meant no disrespect so it wasn't like i was just handing out all sorts of shit to Andy's mixes.
I stated My opinion (seeing that this is a discussion board) with reason and examples.
In the opeth watershed Thread, a few people have said they're not fond of the Deliverance drums sound with not much reason behind it.
So why do you give me shit about my opinion when
1 It's a discussion board
2 I meant well in thinking it could be constructive criticism (might not have come out that way)
and not give them hard time.
I'm giving you sh*t for this because saying "they sound sampled" is not the same thing as saying that you don't like the way the drums sound. Why would you say something like that?
There is a big difference b/w these two:
"I don't mean to offend you but your work sounds fake."
"I prefer other work of yours to this one."