Just got the new record and I love it, guitar tone is fantastic and also how lucky for the lads drums wise Bostoff on the new one and Lombardo on The Gathering. Top effort Mr Sneap, looking forward to hearing more from your vaults..
I 100% disagree

You don't think other producers have ripped you off/your sig sound/methods and drummers are losing their identity due to stellar sample enhanced production?

So now most drums sound like Sneap drums, which means that there are 100's of clones out there all hammering to the same blueprints.
I know some have, but what can I do about that? I'm not going to intentionally make things worse or trashy for the sake of it. I mix the way I do because its how I'd like to hear something.
since your posting quite often in this thread. is there any chance you could support your loyal followers with samples like you did with chimera and stuff. some kick, snare, toms maybe. the new testament is my new reference (old one was tempo of the damned) in terms of production. I really admire your work here. also you bet I'll curve eq this album for our new EP. lol
basically some people think that the album would sound better with a super polished drum sound, others would prefer a more natural sound.

what really matters is what the BAND, and Andy to a certain extent, wanted the album to sound like.

and seeing as though the drum sound has started such conversation shows that it was effective to some degree :rock:
funny thing is, I've had more compliments on the drum sound on this record sounding natural from labels, bands etc than any other album I've done recently and it's something we intentionally did in the first place. Listen to the fast kick parts for instance, thats totally natural kick as the main sound with a sample just helping the low end to be constant. Knowing what went into this is why I find some of the comments here amusing to say the least.
I'd love to say something bad about the way this album sound.:p
It sounds outrageously good.
funny thing is, I've had more compliments on the drum sound on this record sounding natural from labels, bands etc than any other album I've done recently and it's something we intentionally did in the first place. Listen to the fast kick parts for instance, thats totally natural kick as the main sound with a sample just helping the low end to be constant. Knowing what went into this is why I find some of the comments here amusing to say the least.

Andy wheres the best place to get the album in derbyshire??
The problem people have, I think is due the way Andy tune and mic drums!
Andy got his own way to tune a drumkit and maybe uses just one brand for the skins.
I can say, lately the tuning seems the same on the last records he has done.
I mean if you got an "E"ngineer (yes with capital) like andy that can tune and mic a drumkit so well do you think you will have a totally different sound changing the drummer? I personally don't.
He should maybe start tuning in a different way, but goddamn he has managed to create a new way at making records, he has reached the point where you can hear the fatness of the 70's/80's records with the modern tightness of our digital recording era.
Before in the 90's digital records seemed so artifical, so cold, totally not warm sounding.
Ok every drummer has his own kit and his own way to hit the drums, but goddamn if we all play through the same amp miced the same way, will the sound sound be so goddamn different?
As I said in old threads, the only thing I miss, in his latest productions, is a little bit of dirtyness in the guitar sound as he did before (silicon messiah blood and belief for istance), but it's only me.