The problem people have, I think is due the way Andy tune and mic drums!
Andy got his own way to tune a drumkit and maybe uses just one brand for the skins.
I can say, lately the tuning seems the same on the last records he has done.
I mean if you got an "E"ngineer (yes with capital) like andy that can tune and mic a drumkit so well do you think you will have a totally different sound changing the drummer? I personally don't.
He should maybe start tuning in a different way, but goddamn he has managed to create a new way at making records, he has reached the point where you can hear the fatness of the 70's/80's records with the modern tightness of our digital recording era.
Before in the 90's digital records seemed so artifical, so cold, totally not warm sounding.
Ok every drummer has his own kit and his own way to hit the drums, but goddamn if we all play through the same amp miced the same way, will the sound sound be so goddamn different?
As I said in old threads, the only thing I miss, in his latest productions, is a little bit of dirtyness in the guitar sound as he did before (silicon messiah blood and belief for istance), but it's only me.