Are you being really serious, and do you wear a patch vest? This leads me to wonder if metalheads prefer comradeship in mating over the wife and husband roles. Not just from your comment, but from my experience with one and observing other couples. That may show the aversion to settling down and growing up that is a part of the metal lifestyle.
One book called The Satanic Witch by LaVey fascinated me for a long time. He writes, that people have certain types that they are most drawn to. Usually, it's the direct opposite type from yourself. He puts these types on a clock diagram. So according to the clock, a guy who wears blue denim (as in a patch vest) would be most attracted to a woman in orange, the opposite color. Also, he is very outspoken against modern fashions, feminism and the "gay 90's".
However, LaVey is not a child of the eighties. His fetishes were probably created by old war-time cartoons. So how he explains a woman can attract a man, might be different for men who have less traditional gender identities - something very popular at the time I was born.
One other important thing he mentions in the book is the demonic self. It's supposed to be your inner self, representing your opposite type. If a person is already dressed up as their demonic, then they are essentially fucking themselves and don't need anyone else.