The Metal in terms of fashion Thread

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i found this kickass lady on Ebay who takes metal tshirts for guys and turns them into awesome tank tops and corsets for girls.

god i fuckin love ebay
yea they are really well made too. my ex bought a dimmu borgir one for me a while ago but he never said who on ebay sold them and i just found her today. so now i get to order a bunch more :)
Moshpits are fucking gay. I was at a show in LA a couple years go where like local bands played and all these kids were running around thinking they were awesome and they didn't even drink it was so lame.
girls if you like wearing this stuff look here she makes awesome stuff

ex-(i must have this one)

Moshpits are fucking gay. I was at a show in LA a couple years go where like local bands played and all these kids were running around thinking they were awesome and they didn't even drink it was so lame.

Thats a circle pit.

Scene kids don't know how to mosh. Period.

Hmmm, I really hate moshing. I always get pushed around due to being rather tiny...

As for metal fashion. I don't really feel the need to look like I'm part of any scene. I like nice things, period. My favourite shade of clothing is black, simply because I like the way it looks, not because I'm trying to prove something. I also tend to wear nice shoes (heels, flats, whatever, as long as they look nice), tailored trousers or jeans, etc.

A lot of people seem to obsess with appearing more kvlt than the other guy, but it's just as bad as those guys that spend twenty minutes in front of the mirror trying to figure out which way is the best way to apply hair gel.

But, I guess I am not the stereotypical metalhead. I like painting my nails pink (no, not black... pink or red), wearing pretty lacy things, and wearing tastefully done make up -- not to look like any part of a scene, just look the way I like to look. I also like some of the more "scene" things such as leather, corsets, "alternative" looking things, but I only go with what looks good, not with what everybody else is wearing, because that is absolutely stupid.

My boyfriend enjoys wearing suits (a la Akercocke), dressing nicely -- yet he can usually be found in black trousers and a Behemoth long sleeve, which I absolutely love. It's not about the scene, it's about what he likes and he thinks looks good. For instance, I absolutely adore when he wears a suit and his wool coat. Lovely. He's rather scruffy handsome.

I love dressing nicely, dressing up, et cetera. It's not quite "metal", but I could care less.

Wow, I typed a lot. Silly me. It's because I haven't posted here in ages....
I'm terribly sorry to say it, and I'm going to get flamed for it, and I don't mean for it to sound mean because I don't mean it in a mean way, but you sound like you dress like a ... (gulps) well, normal metal chick.
i still think the point to metal is it has no fashion...i mean what do we have, band shirts? that isnt fashion really.
Specific genres actually have different fashions, much like how different tribes have different customs but can share one unifying thing in common.
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