The Metal in terms of fashion Thread

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So I say it I get bollocked.

You say it, it's fine.


Tight black jeans were all part of the uniform back in the late eighties/early nineties. They were bound to come back into fashion at some point. Quite frankly I think the true metal crowd should embrace them, as they were theirs to begin with.
I'm lazy as hell with my fashion sense.

I mostly wear baggy tracksuit trousers, though from time to time I break out a pair of combat fatigues (depending if I'm out to impress or not). White and black t-shirts are the norm, with little variation, though I have a single navy blue muscle vest which I'm fond of when I'm exercising. And I always wear a pair of army surplus boots, without exception.

As for women...depends entirely on the person. Generally I avoid slutty girls and women who stink the place out with perfume, and generally I'm drawn more to the slightly alternative look (and I prefer drab colours to bright ones), and maybe even spiked collars if it's suitable.

But really, fashion doesn't mean a whole lot. The person is what I like, and I like geniune women. My ex tried too hard to be different, and that bugged the crap out of me (especially when she said 'I think I'll be punk today' - though of course I said nothing). Just be yourself and fuck everyone else.

That's what I do.
I pretty much throw on whatever is clean with the exception of a pair of jeans. Unless I get stains on a pair of jeans, I will usually wear one pair a week.
I pretty much throw on whatever is clean with the exception of a pair of jeans. Unless I get stains on a pair of jeans, I will usually wear one pair a week.

I myself only have two pairs of pants (I can't really afford pants). I have several shirts though - but yeah, I need some god damned pants.
Although, that post was only true in college.

Now, I have a set pair of jeans I wear to work for the week and then another pair I wear out to bars and such so I don't get multiple pairs dirty/smelling like smoke.

Usually it's 1-2 pairs a week on average
Well, once daily is fine if you don't exercise. Usually I shower in the morning to wake myself up and then I exercise at night and I sweat and don't want to go to bed feeling grimey, so I shower again before bed.
I have to shower at least once a day. My hair gets really fucking greasy and uncomfortable if I don't.
im sorry but everyone should shower at least once a day if not once everyother day
what is this shit about taking a shower every few start to smell btw

pants you can wear for a couple days before washing, and shirts only once
@FNM: washing your hair everyday isnt good for it, it makes it dry as you said, but if you cant stand washing it every other day then use a leave in conditioner treatment thing for a couple of minutes then wash it out and then use a leave in conditioner for the day

that is, if you're willing to go through all that trouble for your hair
@FNM: washing your hair everyday isnt good for it, it makes it dry as you said, but if you cant stand washing it every other day then use a leave in conditioner treatment thing for a couple of minutes then wash it out and then use a leave in conditioner for the day

that is, if you're willing to go through all that trouble for your hair

My hair is an afro.

Washing it is the only way to keep me from resembling marge simpson.
That hair thing is bullshit. I wash my hair everyday and girls have told me I have some of the softest hair they've ever felt. I use Head and Shoulders, btw
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