The Metal in terms of fashion Thread

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And you people who wont date a girl because she doesn't wear black need to stop breathing, unless she dresses like susperia. Yuck.

Right on! Being selective and not breeding with every cripple and retard should be punishable by death.
Some politician said that if possible we should as often as possible prevent people with heavy retardations of being born. Which seems like a good fucking idea, but naturally she was flamed by everyone because of her political incorrectness. What?
What is Jofa?
Do you want me to leave? You're afraid to say it because I might not listen.
As for what I look like...
Great bone structure, small waist, Aryan, light makeup, long hair with light brown roots growing out, black clothes, only skirts, 3-4 inch stilettoes. :zombie:

She and Jofa might just get along well...
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