The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I fucking love

Today, I was flirting via text with a coworker. Things started getting heated, and I wanted to send her a sexy picture. I asked if she had any suggestions. She said, "Your nuts!" She meant, "YOU'RE nuts." I sent her a photo of my junk. I offended a co-worker with incriminating evidence. FML
There's some little fruit-fly like thing that's been wandering around on my desk, and keeps flipping itself onto its back on one of my paychecks. Apparently paper is too smooth a surface for it to flip itself back over on.

I watched it struggling there for several minutes, then I extended it one of the earpieces of my old glasses to help it up, but not even a minute later it was on its back again, and continues to flail around on my paycheck as I type this. What a pathetic creature.
Regretting my dream wasn't real :cry:

It was awesome. I think either I died, or went into cyrogenic freezing, but some dude was like "Yeah, it's the year 4000 now".
It was fucking badass, everything was normal about my uni, all the people I knew, but there was some new people, and you could change things just by looking at them. I couldn't find my coat, so I picked up a piece of paper, stared at it thinking "Coat, Coat, Coat" and it slowly morphed into my coat. And I was like "So, what's the currency now?"
"Oh we don't sell weapons anymore"
"What? No i mean what's the currency? Pounds, euros, something new?"
"Oh right, no we don't have an arms trade, and eventually all the need for money went away" (No idea how this works)
"So... alcohol is free?"
It was heaven. Never did get to drink anything though :(
There's some little fruit-fly like thing that's been wandering around on my desk, and keeps flipping itself onto its back on one of my paychecks. Apparently paper is too smooth a surface for it to flip itself back over on.

I watched it struggling there for several minutes, then I extended it one of the earpieces of my old glasses to help it up, but not even a minute later it was on its back again, and continues to flail around on my paycheck as I type this. What a pathetic creature.

UPDATE: Just checked the spot on my desk where I left the bug (after helping it up *again* last night), and it appears to be dead now. Talk about failing at life.
Still a bit hungover, started drinking to prepare for tonight. Gonna go some nice cheap places (Spoonz ftw) then to the Agincourt!123 (oldest running rock/metal club in England guiez and just a horrible 40 drunken walk away). Seems lots of people from sixth form will be there tonight, should be fun.
Currently headbanging to the awesome gallop breakdown in Entrance - Escape by Enslaved.

Still a bit hungover, started drinking to prepare for tonight. Gonna go some nice cheap places (Spoonz ftw) then to the Agincourt!123 (oldest running rock/metal club in England guiez and just a horrible 40 drunken walk away). Seems lots of people from sixth form will be there tonight, should be fun.

Spoons ftw indeed. 99p for a pint or a bottle of San Miguel... love it. Not to mention beer and a burger... mmmmmmmmm:kickass: