The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Finished playing Wolfenstein: ET. Shaved; about to go to bed (I shave at night because for some weird reason I like to have a slight growth; I recognize that this is odd; fuck you). Tomorrow is a truck night with the boss that I detest and the most annoying coworker...eight and a half hours of hell. Fuck Mondays.
America is surprisingly liberal when it comes to certain things, like drugs, alcohol and weapons.
Not that legal regarding drugs. The government spends a massive amount of money funding Colombia's army and destroying poor Peruvian farmers crops to stop cocaine production. And unless you're white you really don't want to get caught with drugs.
My life has been incredibly shitty the past few months.
Every single time I eat a decent sized meal... my stomach puts me on an absolute emergency trip to the bathroom.

I finally went to a doctor today, carrying with me my dignity in a paper bag.
I also nearly managed to pass out during a blood drawing.. (not the sight of the blood mind you, more the idea of what was happening... I start to sweat and turn pale and get lightheaded... and yea...)