The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just finished eating, now I'm watching Fellowship of the Ring and proofreading some stuff. None of my friends are doing much tonight, so I figured I'd have a night to myself.
Just ate out at a great Thai place in Carytown with a bud. The folks who own it must be rolling in cash cause the place was packed and the menu is a bit pricey.

Probably going to make a trek out to my old home outside Charlottesville tonight to pick up some junk I have lying around cause my dad's trying to rent the place out. Also need to switch vehicles because I've been borrowing his van to move things to my current residence. It'll be late as fuck when I get back to Richmond, but I woke up late anyway so it all works out. Should give me plenty of time on the road to review another album or two for my site. :kickass:
Happy since I'm an Uncle for the 2nd time :)

However, I'm sore as fuck after playing a full game of rugby yesterday for the first time in 3 months. Covered in cuts, bruises and pulled pretty much every muscle I have... we won though.
The creation is a perpetual feast to the mind of a good man, everything that he sees cheers and delights him; providence has imprinted so many smiles on nature, that it's impossible for a mind which is not sunk in more gross and sensual delights to take a survey of them without several secret sensations of pleasure. Such an habital disposition of mind consecrates every field and wood, turns an ordinary walk into a morning or evening sacrifice, and will improve these transient gleams of joy, into an inviolable and perpetual state of bliss and happiness. :)
Just pulled some ticks off the cat with a pair of pliers. The cat seems to understand what's being done, because he yelps but doesn't try and move away.
So right now I'm at the stage of illness I probably hate the most. I'm basically completely over it, and don't even have a runny nose anymore, but I still have this lingering nasal congestion which I know from past experience is due to having this massive, disgusting wad of congealed mucus in my nasal cavity with roughly the consistency of chewing gum. No matter how hard I blow my nose, it won't come out - I only hear this slurpy 'recoil' after the blow as it suctions itself back in place. It could be another day or two before the mass finally dislodges itself and rockets out from my nose in one final climactic blast.

I just got back from doing Improv at the IKEA in south Philly. It was myself and these two improvisors named Milkshake and Cubby. Shake apparently does it a lot and Cubby had done it before, but it was my first time. We'd just walk around looking at the room displays until someone felt inspired by one, then we'd settle into it and do a scene. Really weird and really fun!
I just got back from doing Improv at the IKEA in south Philly. It was myself and these two improvisors named Milkshake and Cubby. Shake apparently does it a lot and Cubby had done it before, but it was my first time. We'd just walk around looking at the room displays until someone felt inspired by one, then we'd settle into it and do a scene. Really weird and really fun!

Sounds cool.
Ah Monday, the day I arise from three hours of sleep to the racket of construction vehicles in the streets, and begin to think of all the bullshit I'm about to deal with for the next five days. Come forth, my itchy collared shirt, come forth khaki pants and belt! There is a desk chair 20 miles down yonder highway with my ass's name on it!
It was.

Sitting in my first of 2 worthless classes with a headache.
I'm at the point where all we're doing is studying for our final exam and it's easy as hell. So for the last few weeks I've just been sitting in class waiting to go home and fuck around with SONAR 8.5 instead of doing my online courses.