The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just enjoying a Monster and watching a movie. Possibly going to get my tattoo since I am not going to school tomorrow. I am actually excited for this.
In this thread that was about tattoos and piercings, I believe. I don't think on this thread or anything. But on that other thread it was about what I was wanting to get not when I was going to get it. I think I am just going to get it done tonight.
Been playing Civ 4 all night since I got home pretty much. I even skipped Wing Chun class for it - so terrible. :lol: Good chance I'll be playing it all day tomorrow since I've got Fridays off atm. Epic win.

Currently finishing my last beer of the Sam Adams variety pack I bought a couple weeks ago - the beautiful, beautiful Boston Ale. Also reflecting on how bloody easily I could get addicted to alcohol if I had Sam Adams around the apartment all the time.
Currently finishing my last beer of the Sam Adams variety pack I bought a couple weeks ago - the beautiful, beautiful Boston Ale. Also reflecting on how bloody easily I could get addicted to alcohol if I had Sam Adams around the apartment all the time.

I still have a Scotch Ale and Boston Lager in the fridge from when I purchased mine. I enjoyed the Noble Pils the most.
Just got back from work. Contemplating either playing Chrono Trigger or watching some anime...Thursday nights are so exciting.
I still have a Scotch Ale and Boston Lager in the fridge from when I purchased mine. I enjoyed the Noble Pils the most.

Yeah, the Pils was fucking amazing and possibly my favorite overall as well (though I think the Scotch may edge it out for me a bit). Goddamn, what a smooth and refreshing beer. I could drink a six pack of Pils in no time I bet.
I hung out with my ex last night, and two of our friends who think the four of us might be the coolest people in the world. And it's hard to disagree, because we all get along together so well and have similar views on just about anything.

I wrote this awesome surrealist poem about band practice, and my friend is building me a computer so he had me write some specs I wanted on the back of it and I let him keep the poem.
jackin' it on

I kid, I kid. Jesus calm down

but seriously, looks like I will be doing a solo jazz gig next week. Also Ill be doing a solo set of my own music ( Aphex Twin, Pink FLoyd, Classical/jazz, classic hip hop all put into one ) later that night.scary