The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Nothing, I do not want to get much into it, but a female and I fooled around and slept together(you know). She made it very cleary did not want to be in a relationship before it happened. Today I was really down thinking it would never happen again and what if it was over and how would not be able to deal with it. Anyways I just put minutes on my phone and she just sent me a voicemail. She's by far the hottest female on the entire planet and actually really like her. I can't even fucking believe this. wish me luck

So I started writing the book. Do you guys in US know some publishers? Because I'd like to get it released when it's finished.
What is the book going to be about?

Things. I think it will be called "It's better to be worse", but I'm not absolutely certain about that yet. It will be divided into short chapters and there will be my philosofical thoughts and memories (some of them you guys possibly know already). I haven't yet started any story really, maybe it will come naturally and maybe not. I think I could post a little teaser. This is chapter no. II.:


That last paragraph sounds like shit. Sounds like some nihilistic complains, which is an oxymoron of some kind n’est pas? It would be enjoyable to catch a kid saying how nihilistic he is and tie him up and cut him w/ paper until he admits wanting a big house w/ pool and that he will work until he gets it. Then he’ll die in WWIII fighting for his country, fucking nihilist, against robots from China. Sounds unpropable, but it’s the other way around - there are too many people in China and there’s no place for new machines, which will soon start rioting and raping little asian women (I believe Japs have already invented something like that years ago). Young US boys on internet will then have no source for their -Asian women in bikini- folder, which will automatically lead to WW3. And all nihilists will die (and trust me, they don’t want to).

I would propably die too during a war against dildobots, hence I don’t feel like being born to battle for anything. I really don’t need other people’s help to destruct myself, it’s not any hard in my opinion and I usually don’t even come up with it, it just comes and goes. Dying uncontrollably I guess. I’ve spent some longer periods of life in hospitals because of this, being like a helpless worm waiting for either raven’s blowjob or a silly continuation of living this life; having at least a little change to change myself inside. I was few times in this hospital in Prague that’s connected to a chapel in an awesome way, a pinnacle of architecture – first you walk through a hospital hall looking at people w/ stinky black bubbles on their legs, you walk through some weird storage room into a door that you wouldn’t even find if there wasn’t a sign and next thing you stand alone in a cold chapel, a little church in a hospital, but gloriously garnished and shit. Those are the unexpected places where you automatically get a shiver down your spine. I’ve also met the only hot nun on this world there; well I did see nothing but her face, but I imagined things later that night and she was very hot. Of course I’ve seen a lot of horrible shit in hospitals too.

Reminds me of a thing that has happened to me when I was recovering from a surgery in that very hospital; there was this new patient, this old woman who couldn't take a shit for 14 days and the doctor came in the hospital room at like 10PM and he was like this looks really weird that's some long time and he examined her stomach and she had like 5 various surgery scars on it and he kept asking her about the surgeries and was like confused what the fuck is going on and then he said that they'd have to open her next morning so he clears it out or take a better look on it or something.

But. At like 3AM a giant horrible sounds awaken from where her bed was and some horrible amount of all that shit she kept in her for two weeks came out of her with a wall of decibels that I could describe like a cannon shot of giant proportions, the speed of these horrible shots of death were astounding. Shit was all over the walls, door, her bed was full of shit and we were all like jesus fucking christ. My heart missed one beat that day. It was like a grenade covered in shit blew off next to me.

My keyboard looks like it has witnessed this scene too, but it’s just a dragon fighting the bacteries from under my fingernails. It also always eats some parts of my lunch like if it was a shark w/ six rows of teeth. What I’ve never done though is smoking here and that’s like the only thing that could possibly stop this from being a bestseller book. Writing anything without a cig in mouth is like not writing at all, isn’t it. Well I’ve done worse things, i.e. I’ve slept at this beautiful chick’s that I really wanted and didn’t fuck her for no reason (I’m sure we’ll come back to this one too). It may be one of the results of me trying to lose my ego the last couple of months. I already resigned though and marked it as impossible and very unrewarding.

Bald people from Tibet would disagree, but I drink a lot more beer then they do so their opinion is inferior.
@ Onder - You're fucking hilarious :lol:

This chapter went good, I hope I can keep it up on this level of quality, however I don't have any experience in keeping the readers concentration in tact. So far the chapters are short like this and they don't tire w/ facts and shit, I believe the flow is alright so far, but I'll need some cues on how to continue. I always think of stupid shit when I'm drunk so I need to be drunk all the time.
This chapter went good, I hope I can keep it up on this level of quality, however I don't have any experience in keeping the readers concentration in tact. So far the chapters are short like this and they don't tire w/ facts and shit, I believe the flow is alright so far, but I'll need some cues on how to continue. I always think of stupid shit when I'm drunk so I need to be drunk all the time.

I actually thought of that, the text you posted really dragged me in and kept me concentrated. If you can manage to keep some sort of a red thread throughout the book, it could work well. An alternative would be to market it as a book of prose, "twelve passages of psycho lore"-ish.
Nothing, I do not want to get much into it, but a female and I fooled around and slept together(you know). She made it very cleary did not want to be in a relationship before it happened. Today I was really down thinking it would never happen again and what if it was over and how would not be able to deal with it. Anyways I just put minutes on my phone and she just sent me a voicemail. She's by far the hottest female on the entire planet and actually really like her. I can't even fucking believe this. wish me luck

DD got some punanayyyyy :kickass::kickass::kickass: