The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I will read that book.

Nice to hear!

I actually thought of that, the text you posted really dragged me in and kept me concentrated. If you can manage to keep some sort of a red thread throughout the book, it could work well. An alternative would be to market it as a book of prose, "twelve passages of psycho lore"-ish.

What type of book this is is still hidden in fog somewhere. I don't want it to be a collection of fucked up stories that happened to me or a fucking diary, though I think that the on-going getting a girl story is a lucrative connecting line. I also don't want to get too hardcore to draw people back from reading on, which is certainly not the point.

I have to wonder how well you will be able to keep a reader hooked over a large number of pages, but I guess the only way to find out is to keep writing and see where it goes, it's worth the shot. It certainly has the potential to be awesome on some sort of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy level.

If you can find some way to keep the reader in suspense about what is going to happen as they read, I think that would be helpful, though whether you can write with that goal in mind and still maintain teh funnies is another question.
Went out to mail Andy his Metal Zone and buy a headset mic for D&D tomorrow night. Arrived at the post office at 4:01 and the place was closed...fags. Also, Gamespot doesn't fucking sell headset mics for PC...fags. Got one at RadioShack. But this casualization and consolization of gaming really bothers me.
@Vihris:. Yeah you should pick it up. At points it is quite disturbing, and difficult to read overall. But it is incredible....

I really don't know much about literature, but the may he writes ( imo) seems a little incorrect, but perfectly captures the characters and the Narrator ect. Therefor, making it a perfect read .

EDIT: just got back from an EPIC day of biking. Biked from 10 am to 8 pm. WEnt an checked out a city made Bike Park. So great
I went to a cookout/party at my friend's house tonight, zomg it was awesome. It was like 1 AM and about a third of us from the original crowd were still sitting around the fire, and we were like "so, who's hungry?" So we found two packs of hotdogs and a chicken breast lying around from the afternoon and threw them on the grill for a second dinner, haha. Between that, four beers and like half a bottle of wine, I had a pretty brotastic night.

Also, I had a lengthy conversation with a single girl I'd never met before, which probably hasn't happened in like 3 years, so even if it wasn't really going anywhere I guess it was good practice. :lol:
Finally came up with a travel/vacation plan for the summer which I am more sure than not is the one I'm going to stick with. I decided it was best not to combine MDF with my European trip since many of the things I want to do in Europe are in late June and July and I figure asking for a 2 month long vacation from my internship is like asking to be fired.

May 27-31: MDF

June 24 - July 18: Europe
* June 25-26: Paris, FRA (Magma concert)
* June 27-30: Dusseldorf or Berlin, GER
* July 1-4: Zurich, SWI (Zurifascht festival)
* July 5-9: Geneva, SWI & Lyon, FRA (possible ZZ Top / Jeff Beck concert)
* July 10-12: Vienna, AUS or Munich, GER
* July 13-17: Prague, CZE (Onder and Obscene Extreme festival)

I believe this to be a recipe for epic win. And, based on my research, the combined total for air and rail fare on the Europe trip (not including whatever metros I use for intra-city travel) should only be around $1600.
What's the average cost of flying to Europe anyways? I've never flown anywhere before, but I would love to make it to Nuclear War Now Fest and visit other places if it didn't mean spending 2 grand on a round way trip to Berlin and back.
It can vary vastly depending on the airline and the destination. Berlin seems to be a great place to fly to, because Air Berlin's site lists tickets from NYC to Berlin for around $425. On the contrary, when I look up flights to Paris, Rome or other places I seem to get upward of $2000 (and that's just one way). A lot of flights go through London, so it seems like if you get a flight there with a major airline and then use a different airline for your real destination you can save a lot.
May 27-31: MDF

June 24 - July 18: Europe
* June 25-26: Paris, FRA (Magma concert)
* June 27-30: Dusseldorf or Berlin, GER
* July 1-4: Zurich, SWI (Zurifascht festival)
* July 5-9: Geneva, SWI & Lyon, FRA (possible ZZ Top / Jeff Beck concert)
* July 10-12: Vienna, AUS or Munich, GER
* July 13-17: Prague, CZE (Onder and Obscene Extreme festival)

This is going to rule man. I've been to Paris and it's okay, Vienna is similar to Prague actually and then Prague for two days and OEF w/ Incantation to finish it. Hah. You'll have the privilege to see the two greatest festivals on this planet apparently, there's this fb group called "Maryland Deathfest and Obscene Extreme" :) Join it, they send new info and shit.
Finally came up with a travel/vacation plan for the summer which I am more sure than not is the one I'm going to stick with. I decided it was best not to combine MDF with my European trip since many of the things I want to do in Europe are in late June and July and I figure asking for a 2 month long vacation from my internship is like asking to be fired.

May 27-31: MDF

June 24 - July 18: Europe
* June 25-26: Paris, FRA (Magma concert)
* June 27-30: Dusseldorf or Berlin, GER
* July 1-4: Zurich, SWI (Zurifascht festival)
* July 5-9: Geneva, SWI & Lyon, FRA (possible ZZ Top / Jeff Beck concert)
* July 10-12: Vienna, AUS or Munich, GER
* July 13-17: Prague, CZE (Onder and Obscene Extreme festival)

I believe this to be a recipe for epic win. And, based on my research, the combined total for air and rail fare on the Europe trip (not including whatever metros I use for intra-city travel) should only be around $1600.
