The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I think there's a rivalry thing. Like you can be a Tokyo person or you can be an Osaka person.

Neither Berlin nor Munich have particularly friendly locals, but that can't be helped in huge cities.
Epic storm here today. After 5 months of zero rain. Golf ball sized hail stones. The basement car park at work flooded. Hilarious watching lawyers in suits wade waist deep trying to rescue their cars. Traffic lights and power out over a fair portion of the city, trees everywhere, landslides, it goes on... I gave up trying to get home and just went to the pub.

Haha, where do you work in Perth dude?

Berlin >>>>>>>>>> Munich. Munich is great and the beer is good and it is prettier but Berlin is way more interesting IMO with the wild variation in architecture and the amazing AMAAAAAZING museums and nightlife. If you go to Munich though I have some cool metalhead friends I can pass you along to.

I went with my boring semi-conservative parents, so I know nothing about the nightlife, I can give you that :lol: Maybe my view is tarnished by the fact that as a 13-14 year old I walked into a rock pub somewhere near Marienplatz and felt kvlt. But seriously, Munich rocks! It also has the Allianz Arena.

Neither Berlin nor Munich have particularly friendly locals, but that can't be helped in huge cities.

I disagree with the locals bit, I actually went there with the mindset that the locals will be ridiculously annoying with the "I'm sorry, I don't speak english" in a chaste and crisp manner. They were surprisingly accomodating, maybe that's because it was the time of the 2006 WC.
Surprisingly accommodating isn't quite the same as friendly. I met a friend from Couchsurfing there and she took me under her wing and all her friends were great. There are great people everywhere!

I think the "Don't speak English" BS is reserved for obnoxious tourists from my country who rock up like "HUNNGGHHH OKTOBERFEST"
Well, in Munich there was this middle-aged woman who came to our table [I don't remember exactly where] and she told us how much she respected Indians because they respect women. She looked at my mum and hugged her repeatedly and looked at us and said that we are blessed that there's a woman in our lives, then she went on and on for about 10 whole minutes about the cultural relevance of Indians and women in general. My perplexed parents slowly stopped getting freaked and indulged in what they thought was a philosophical discussion. Then after that a gentleman came over and asked my dad if the woman was bothering us, " My wife is hammered, I'm sorry, I've been looking for her since the past two hours".
That added to feeling wind blow on your neck/ears, it's just a weird feeling once you've cut your hair. Initially it felt weird after I got it cut as I could no longer feel an enormous expanse of hair whenever I bobbed my head around a little bit.

@ Vihris

I'm surprised that you didn't consider Salzburg. It's relatively quaint and is a really nice place to walk around and soak in the atmosphere of the city. And I'm sure you'd want to experience the street music right? There's a lot of that there, and is really close to Munich.

Yeah vihris, I was in Salzburg too and I'd almost suggest you switch it w/ Vienna. It's more tourist-beautiful I guess, I've had some nice time there.
Salzburg is too quaint, but they do have an okay metal pub with billiards tables.

@Ananth WTF WHAT that's kind of a nice story I guess. My mom went with me to Munich and yelled at some woman wearing a niqab on the street "THAT'S DISGUSTING LADY HAVE SOME SELF RESPECT"
Well I guess since I've gotten several endorsements for Munich and Salzburg and none for Vienna I'll go with Munich and maybe try to catch a bus to Salzburg one day for sightseeing while in the area.

@krampus I'd love to check out an authentic German goth/industrial club. I listen to plenty of industrial already, I don't need a metal night for an excuse to go there. :)

Any of you guys have an idea of how easy it would be for me to get a driving permit while I'm traveling? I'd really like to rent a car in at least one of these cities, especially Geneva so I can explore various little Alpine towns or hiking spots in the surroundings. Mainland Europe drives on the right side of the road too don't they?
Small law firm in West Perth. Did you survive unscathed? My mate has the best story - he couldn't get home, got a lift with a random girl and spent all night shagging her :lol: It's like the silver-lining stories newspapers always run in the aftermath of a disaster, only an R-rated version!

Haha that's awesome. Kudos to your mate. I was in a lecture at the time that was meant to finish at 6pm, the emergency alarm went off. Got out, it was hailing like hell and the wind was so heavy that the rain was almost horizontal. I ran from my lecture room to my car that was about a kilometer away to get my girlfriend, me mate and I home. My car's awesome, it went through so many puddles and skidded around with no worries and didn't dent even with the hail. When we got home, the power was off until this afternoon. Girlfriend and I just huddled and made sweet sweet love in the dark. :kickass: I know of people who's houses got fucked up pretty bad haha!
As far as I know, in Germany, Americans have quite the kvlt status and your driving license will work wonders. Methinks you have to go to the local agency and you get a permit which is valid for 6 months, without much of a hassle. Now, the only thing I'm not too sure of, is if you get the said permit on a tourist visa or a working one. Germany's superb man, enjoy it :kickass:
WHAT WHAT WHAT st3333phani33333 I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEED the latest guy gossip omg

krampus, what's up? It's nice to see you back on here. Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope things get better for you.

But, if you would really like to know, the guy situation is going great. The one mountain man guy, he finally admitted to me that he wanted me to be "a friend he can have fun with ad only when it he needs it" so that made me feel like crap, so I moved on (kind of) started to like this kid in my art class, that didn't work out because I felt like crap about myself so I just could never bring myself to actually talking to him, even though I feel like it would of worked out. But, about a week ago, this really wonderufl guy contacted me and approached me. I had no idea who he was, but we have been talking non stop and it has been wonderful. He makes me feel really good about myself and he is always complimenting me. He is done with college, has his own house, and his career. He is 22 and already accomplished a lot. I really like him. He is more of the clean cut type, but that is ok. Facial hair is not everything. He is full of tattoos and very outdoorsy (which I love). We are going to go walk a few trails in about two weeks.

Lucky D: I graduate in June. Actually that is about 9 weeks or so isn't it?
And yes, that is in June so I am not lucky. We are graduating around the same time. But in 7 weeks, I will have about the last two weeks off of in May. I guess that is what Seniors get. Is that what everyone else got aswell?