The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

What netspeak is so druggy? I fucking WISH I could get some shroomazoomzooms on this god forsaken island, though the last time I did them I peed my pants while crossing tram tracks in Amsterdam.

st33333phani33333 tread carefully, he's quite a bit older and you are still in HS yeah? so glad you've found happiness for the time being though. be smart and stay safe.
Or gets brutally raped to the point where all their orifices become one and they have rectovaginal fistula and all the waste comes out of all the holes. That's a rather extreme example and highly unlikely, to be fair.

btw st3333ph my dad is fine, he's just a morbid bipolar old fat man but he's just fine.
st33333phani33333 tread carefully, he's quite a bit older and you are still in HS yeah? so glad you've found happiness for the time being though. be smart and stay safe.

I know he is older, but I prefer older guys. I am still in high school, but only for 9 more weeks and I will be officially graduated and I will e turning 19 this year. I am a young women and I will learn a lot along the way. And thank you. Oh, I will. That is the only way I will be.
I am glad to hear that your dad is ok.

And Episteme, there would never be any way for me to get pregnant (at this moment). I am a virgin and will not give it up too easily. And there is so called protection, but there is always a chance.
50 girls out of my graduating class (which there is 275) learned that the hard way. Is it cool to get pregnant or something? I would hate to be all big and pregnant at graduation, but I think it is awesome that they are still graduating.
Um rape can make you pregnant dear. Some people don't understand the word "no" and many girls and women find that in the heat of the moment, out of fear or whatever, they can't say "no" either.

50/275 are pregnant? wtf? You must be super fertile, better watch yourself and get some of those spermicidal inserts to wear at all times.
Oh, I know there is the chance of rape and you never know about someone, even if you think they are nice. I plan on the first couple of time to have him hangout out our house and when we go for our little hike, to have people. I mean, I wouldn't mind being alone with him, but I never know, I guess.

Yes, 50 girls are all big and pregnant. That is just the Seniors. There are 23 Freshmen, 15 Sophmores, and 9 Juniors. The counselors are constantly complaining about it.
How did you get all the accurate data on pregnant chicks? :lol:

I think thats more than my school that was in the ghetto-ish area of Chicago.

And yes, that is in June so I am not lucky. We are graduating around the same time. But in 7 weeks, I will have about the last two weeks off of in May. I guess that is what Seniors get. Is that what everyone else got aswell?

Nope I don't get any weeks off :( At my previous school the seniors got the last week of school off but that was it. Since my current high school is so small, and just composed of Juniors and Seniors, it wouldn't really work to give the seniors off since then the Senior teachers wouldn't get paid at all.

At least my college classes end in mid May though.

Haha! I'm from the grade as you'll but I'm done in 17 days.

Wut really? How old are you?? And when did you begin the school year?
My English teacher, his wife is one of the counselors and my Art teacher. I tried to count them one day, but I didn't want to be rude.

Awe, that sucks. I am in a pretty big school. Next year (thank God I won't be there), they are combining our school with one the other high schools, so it will be even bigger.
(Arrogant New England Snobbery Alert)
Wow, what a difference a good upbringing makes. In my class of 460 (at least 230 girls), none pregnant.
They are clearly doing it wrong in Lorain, Ohio.

Colonie, NY only had 3-4 pregnant grads in a more than 50% female class of 471.
So yeah I would venture that more than half of my graduating class (near 3500) had an abortion during highschool, and at least 10% of that figure had multiple abortions.
50 girls out of my graduating class (which there is 275) learned that the hard way. Is it cool to get pregnant or something?

That's a really really disturbing statistic. One of the old counsellors in my school keeps going on about this report that he saw in BBC way back in 96 when some 12 girls from a school apparently got prego. That was supposed to be a shock for us, this is way worse.

Wut really? How old are you?? And when did you begin the school year?

18. But my year began in June :/ To be fair though my graduation ceremony was almost 2 months back and I've had a long lay-off before my exams, which are in progress now.