The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

down that road again? you spent some time in jail?

perhaps you're more aligned with younger girls in terms of mental maturity, or they are drawn to you and you feel a strong urge to be the nurturing older man

nah, i've not thankfully just i've been close to getting on that path and a friend of mine spent time in jail for it so that was what scared me away

might go either way, not certain idk
chick is only 16

Shock! Consternation! Amazement!

if you graduated high school more than a year ago it's time to grow up and find women your own age

and by "your own age" i mean "not jailbait"

If I may, the formula for creepiness is that the acceptable range is half your age plus 7 on one side and your age minus 7 times 2 on the other, in mort's case meaning anyone between 16 and a half and 24.
But still...
gross. i was at Hypocrisy/Suffocation a couple years ago, and there were these two guys there over 21 who brought these little girls who were no older than 14. it was so fucking disgusting. don't be one of THOSE guys, the world looks at you and goes "what a pathetic loser." fact of life.
yeah, it isn't like i'm attracted only to girls around that age group (and generally it is 16 onwards which wasn't a problem even so much as a year ago realistically), just that I do happen to be at all.

and i don't think so much that the age difference between 19 and 16 is such a big deal, but wtf @ 21 - 14

edit: @ ananth

yeah, only 19 - 20 in a few months.
It's still creepy. When I was 19 I would never dream of looking at high schoolers (and had a fling with a 28 year old, ha).

It's one thing to be attracted to younger girls, since anyone older than say 12 is prob capable of having babies and is therefore "ripe" - but IMO it's another to seriously consider dating someone who is much younger. 19 and 16 is borderline. I still think you should ask her, of course. I bet she says yes to a dashing suave older man!
maybe going back to college will help me out haha

i do think there is some largely bullshit barrier placed by society around age discrepancies though (within reason obviously, not talking 21-14 like you mentioned) but i can understand to an extent HS graduate and HS student being kind of creepy.
Apparently there is a restaurant in Chicago called Kuma's Corner that serves burgers and beer and is metal themed. Anyone ever been there? The website is really fucking cheesy

I've been there a few times back when I was living in Chicago, awesome place, and THE best burgers I have ever had.
It's still creepy. When I was 19 I would never dream of looking at high schoolers.


Mort: Her dad thinks she's too young, but she's old enough for me:cool:
Cool! I'll have to check it out.

@MortDivine yeah it's true, there are so many love songs from the 50s where they talked about some lovely girl who was 16 or 17 and no one thought it was creepy then. But in most people's minds, HS = child and after HS = not child.
Once you're 20 you are forbidden from dating anyone under 17 or whatever the legal consent age is, and no high schoolers allowed.
she'll be 17 soon at any rate, but eh

i don't even know why i am bothering with this, most likely she'd find it creepy too haha
i get so weird going more personal about things because i always assume that someone who posts or lurks knows the people i'm talking about IRL and will tell them haha

but anyways i ended up training her at work so i got to talking to her a bit since her first two days at work i was there with her the entire time. she mentioned a few times how it sucked that she wasn't working with me and another employee as we were the only two she talks to i guess so at least she doesn't find me to be some repulsive creepy nerd