The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So, after two months of being hooked on those damn nasal sprays I'm slowly easing myself off them. Previously, I couldn't sleep without them and was using them daily every 4 hours or so. I'm continuing use in the left nostril and stopping use in the right, so I can still sleep, breathe and taste. Once the right has healed up, I'll stop use completely.

As retarded as it may sounds, you can actually get hooked on these things if you use them for longer than the time period that the bottle tells you (I think it's three days or so). Just don't be a fuckwit like I was.
Hooked on nasal spray? :ill: What sort of nasal spray?
It's the 12-hour nasal relief stuff (Aussie brand names are Sinex, Drixine) people use to relieve blocked noses. They carry a warning telling you not to exceed a certain number of days. Like the idiot I am, I went past this limit. There's a reason for that; you can get hooked on the 'rebound' effect, which means you continuously use it and your nose is constantly congested. I was at the point where I needed the stuff to breathe. I'm kicking the habit as I said though.

I know how bizarre it sounds, but it's actually extremely common according to my doctor.
Schwärzung;9018651 said:
I know how bizarre it sounds, but it's actually extremely common according to my doctor.

You know your doctor is currently regaling all the guests at his dinner party with the story about his freak-o patient who's hooked on nasal spray, right?
Got done with a job interview (at 8:30 a.m. :erk:). Turned out the guy I was supposed to talk to was busy this morning and the HR chick had tried calling me yesterday to reschedule but I wasn't paying attention to my phone, so she ended up 'interviewing' me herself and said she'd get back in touch to reschedule once the actual interviewer has some time available.

This job would kick ass. I hope I get it.
Good luck Grant! What is the job if that's not too prying a question?

At this moment: planning a vacation and engaging Uneasy_Conscience in a mini shitstorm in the folk metal thread
Thanks. It's a software consultant job, so if I were hired they would be flying me out to various clients of theirs to either help them with software projects or do our own for them. Depending on the experience of the consultant, the job can probably involve anything from simple programming to actually planning the whole project and negotiating the business/financial details of it.

They said the most likely project they would start me off with is a web development thing in New York City, which I would fly out to on Sunday nights and come back to Richmond on Thursdays. I'd probably be really busy, but it still sounds like a kickass job, and it pays like $55-60K + benefits and travel expenses. They've got branches all over the country and a few employees overseas, so if I stick with them I might be able to see a good bit of the world and/or relocate to somewhere nice.
I don't get this addiction to nasal sprays. I see them all over the internet. I use nasal sprays 3 times a day, but i'm not addicted to it, because there is really nothing addictive about it.