The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Thanks. It's a software consultant job, so if I were hired they would be flying me out to various clients of theirs to either help them with software projects or do our own for them. Depending on the experience of the consultant, the job can probably involve anything from simple programming to actually planning the whole project and negotiating the business/financial details of it.

They said the most likely project they would start me off with is a web development thing in New York City, which I would fly out to on Sunday nights and come back to Richmond on Thursdays. I'd probably be really busy, but it still sounds like a kickass job, and it pays like $55-60K + benefits and travel expenses. They've got branches all over the country and a few employees overseas, so if I stick with them I might be able to see a good bit of the world and/or relocate to somewhere nice.

That sounds like a damn awesome job, plus getting to fly around the country would be pretty cool too. Good luck with it!
It's just so unusual to see Fenriz talking sober and trying to be somewhat dark.

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Nothing at the moment. Gonna get my green badge tomorrow that will magically transform me into a qualified exams supervisor. Again. It's finals season at highschools throughout The Holy Land.
Basically,the easiest side job imaginable.
Just waking up after hours of playing The Trail of Cthulhu rpg. Great and so much better than Call of Cthulhu game.
Nothing at the moment. Gonna get my green badge tomorrow that will magically transform me into a qualified exams supervisor. Again. It's finals season at highschools throughout The Holy Land.
Basically,the easiest side job imaginable.

Well clearly not everyone has the know-how, drive and commitment to be a QUALIFIED exam supervisor. I mean, pacing around a room for three hours looking over people's shoulders takes some serious talent.
Get packages in the mail is always win, what did you get?

I got 9 band shirts, which are: Moonsorrow, Zyklon B, Burzum, Slayer, Manowar, Dream Theater, Gorgoroth, In Flames, and Opeth. A Darkthrone hoodie, a bikini (more for motivation for workingout/getting fit and this Summer), new shoes, a pack of lip rings, a pack of lip labrets/studs, and an air brushing gun. I got quite a bit. I am still waiting for a few other things though. I am hoping some other time this week for them.
Yeah, I did. When I order online, I go all out. I ordered all my shirts but the Dream Theater shirt from and I ordered the Dream Theater shirt at, but from what this guy I used to date, he told me I was getting ripped off because I could get the shirts I want for a lot cheaper. I don't know, I like them. And they are better, way better than going to HotTopic that has a minimum of decent band shirts and a lot things (as in people) I don't want to see.
This one:

It's a software consultant job, so if I were hired they would be flying me out to various clients of theirs to either help them with software projects or do our own for them. Depending on the experience of the consultant, the job can probably involve anything from simple programming to actually planning the whole project and negotiating the business/financial details of it.

They said the most likely project they would start me off with is a web development thing in New York City, which I would fly out to on Sunday nights and come back to Richmond on Thursdays. I'd probably be really busy, but it still sounds like a kickass job, and it pays like $55-60K + benefits and travel expenses. They've got branches all over the country and a few employees overseas, so if I stick with them I might be able to see a good bit of the world and/or relocate to somewhere nice.