The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

got stood up for 5th or so time with this girl. soooo many mixed messages all the time. I think this time im gonna cut the tie finally.

I am sorry to hear, but it is the 5th time, you might just want to end it. I am sure you are better and can find someone better. I know how you feel though. I am sick of the mixed messages from people.

And kil, good for you. Weekends are the best. I am going to dread when I am in college and have to get a job, my weekends be gone. I am not ready for that.
Just got home from spending the weekend at bf's in Kumamoto. Saw his band play, not their best but the Mexican food after was awesome. Walked about 7 miles to go to a mall today, had ice cream, nice relaxing kind of day. Tomorrow I have a stupid meeting with the other 150 JET English teachers in Fukuoka prefecture but that means I get to see a bunch of people.

I like bratwurst but I prefer currywurst!
@Eligos: well buddy, i don't know about you, but i think that black metal must be listened when the weather is very cold or when it's rain. I'm not sure why, but probably must be the view of corpsepaints in my mind.

@Kil: Good for you man!!! you'll be fine.

@Mutantllama: Get better soon.

@Krampus: Have you already seen a band called Naikaku? if not, just try and tell me how awesome it was.
Steph: yeah its annoying, but I have to see this to the end because its been like this for a while. WHat I mean is, I gotta stick in there and see what happens.

and Kramps, same here actually....SO much better. ( currywurst)
Taking a nap.

Just woke up and saw my arm. Felt the curious sensation that it was not part of my body. It wouldn't respond to commands and it didn't even appear familiar. Going back to sleep now.
I wake up like that sometimes. Mostly because I often share a twin bed with my girlfriend and have nowhere else to put my arms (when laying on my back) so I have to put them above my head. I then wake up in the middle of the night and my arm is a lifeless, heavy lump of flesh.
Haha, yeah. I was also trying to sleep off a hangover and I was up until about 4 a.m. last night, so I'm sure my slightly exhausted state has something to do with it.
I am just trying to find 12 pitures to draw and 2 to oil pastel. They are all due the 14th of May, I will be in total work mode from now on so I can get my credit. Only 6 more weeks of school left though, awesome.
Called out of work and Have been watching Baseball/Laker - Thunder game so far...Listening to Borknagar now and will play the Skate 3 demo tonight.

The Skate3 demo is pretty good. I never liked the first Skate then Skate2 was a little better to me and I actually enjoyed this one better than 1 and 2.
Waiting around to call Tomoko my travel agent for the 3475934th time to finally book my ticket home for summer vacation, and waiting around to go to a stupid English teacher meeting that will be pointless. Have already pooped and drunk coffee.
Catching up from my 3-day absence from the forum. I was planning on sleeping on the train, but it's just not possible and since there's wi-fi...