The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Where are the opera pictures you promised us?!?!?!?!??!!

I e-stalked her. She's hot. I'm surprised your dad is yelling at you instead of high-fiving you?!

We didn't like any of the pictures. We keep taking them and not liking em. We'll get some on here eventually. And my dad has three other kids he's parenting so he has to be a responsible parent.

@Vitor: There is a fuck ton of soft black metal to be enjoyed. Here a few I particularly enjoy:

The U.S. is where to go for soft black metal.
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You may have already answered this Eli, but does your new lady-friend like metal?

She does, but mostly upperground stuff. She had a Morbid Angel album lying on her bedside dresser when I was over the other night. She's unfamiliar with non-DM underground stuff though, so we've both been enjoying me exposing her to new bands. Like Moonsorrow and Pelican yesterday. And she's very observant so she keeps all the names in mind. She lives within walking distance of my favorite record store, too, so we'll be shopping for music a lot this summer.
She does, but mostly upperground stuff. She had a Morbid Angel album lying on her bedside dresser when I was over the other night. She's unfamiliar with non-DM underground stuff though, so we've both been enjoying me exposing her to new bands. Like Moonsorrow and Pelican yesterday. And she's very observant so she keeps all the names in mind. She lives within walking distance of my favorite record store, too, so we'll be shopping for music a lot this summer.

I'm jealous. My girlfriend hates metal.
My girlfriend was worried that I listened to screamo because of my ambiguous image but her mom is a metalhead so she's really cool with it. She totally knows how to act at a metal show and all that. One of the reasons I fell for her.

Her taste in non-metal is good too. She and I talked about The Beatles for like half an hour yesterday, and The Who for another 15 minutes or so.
Be careful. JGMetalhead will be all over your ass about The fucking Beatles. :D

Just came home from my other guitarist's house. We're in the midst of writing our final song for the album. It's going to be an instrumental, about 4-5 minutes long and going to have some bad ass time signature changes, riffs and harmonies. Once that is done, I still gotta complete putting lyrics to one of our other songs and then we can start pre-production.
I thought you met at a gig...where your band played.

I was wearing a green Klabautamann shirt and jean shorts on stage and I smiled. Compare me to Kelly, who ONLY wears corsets, black t-shirts, black pants, and black knee-high boots to shows, Stu, who has the most metal looking beard ever, and Ben, who dyes his hair black and wears all black. But yes, we did meet at a gig where my band played.

:lol: I don't like talking about the Beatles on the internet, Shah. Writing music is fun as hell. We're tossing ideas out for our next song at practice tomorrow.
Not if you firebomb my house, Joe.

I've stated in previous posts that I don't care about my image at all. I especially stopped caring when Kelly's boyfriend's band of tryhards "kicked it up a notch". I think the whole metal facade is really lame and nerdy and I like wearing color and standing out. As it turns out, my girlfriend wouldn't have found me as approachable if I hadn't smiled on stage. Also, you might not know this, but it's fucking hot on stage, and I like to let my testicles breath so I can move around without them sticking to my legs.
Yeah man we're still talking about it as a band. Kelly still hasn't listened to Khariot but I think our sounds are really compatible and we have a bunch of good ideas going back and forth.

I hope we can start putting it together this Winter.