The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Oh, so it's Joe. I always forget WAIF's name. There was a big influx of Joes on this board once so it was difficult to remember who's who.
I almost started calling him Jesus, but WAIF feels more familiar.
You share a sacred bond.

Both the bands' names begin with a 'K' and have an 'io' in the name.It is a remarkable occurrence which shouldn't be discounted as mere coincidence. The lawd intended this to happen.
Shah means king in Persian. :D

My band doesn't really care about image, everyone on stage except Mikey wears buttoned up shirts during our gigs.

The most metal looking out of all of us is Gavin who's the only one who has long hair. I'm pretty clean shaven, with short hair most of the time, I wear metal shirts from day to day. Darren is well dressed, much older than us and probably the least metal looking out of everyone. No one expects him to be ripping up with extreme metal on stage that's for sure. And Mikey, is just Mikey. He dresses however he feels like, even if it's a Batman t-shirt that he got from Bali.

Khariot means "pillows" in Hebrew.:p

LOLWAT haha, it's a made up word from the misspelling of the "cariot" from the Judas Iscariot. It's pronounced Ke-ra-yet.
Right now I am looping this video over and over.

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Yeah, I get that, that's fine. But wearing jean shorts? How about wifebeaters and crocs to go with that?

I'm sorry sir, I failed to note your assless chaps and police hat before mentioning the clothes I wear. If you'd like, I'll let you report me to E!, but I expect coverage on both Chelsea Lately and The Soup. And if the footage from either of those shows doesn't pass on to Best Week Ever, I'll be calling your editor.

By the way, see you at the next parade. I'll be the one in socks and sandals over on the right side of the dance floor.
There was these pigeons on the balcony. So I went out on the balcony and was like "wassup", then they flew over to another balcony. Crazy birds.
We didn't like any of the pictures. We keep taking them and not liking em. We'll get some on here eventually. And my dad has three other kids he's parenting so he has to be a responsible parent.

@Vitor: There is a fuck ton of soft black metal to be enjoyed. Here a few I particularly enjoy:

The U.S. is where to go for soft black metal.

nice calls buddy, bud i'd meant that i like soft bands when i'm having a bbq, like The Gathering, Rush, Aerosmith... i like BM so much, but i prefer listen to it alone and when is rainning.
WAIF: The New Fashion Police?!?!?!?!?!?!

Image isn't everything, if you're really talented you don't need to look the part to impress people. I disapprove of jorts in general but I accept that they are comfort for one's testes in a sweaty setting. Personally I am insecure about my playing ability so when I perform I usually wear a "statement" outfit.

That's great that garufurendo (girlfriend) likes metal Eligos, especially that she likes different stuff from you. My jump-off looks like Kurt Cobain and dresses like a lumberjack but he likes mostly power and folk stuff (and is super gay for Megadeth/Cacophony/anything Marty Friedman has ever done). He also likes new Arsis better than old Arsis but I let that slide.