So in regards to the last 4 pages:
That was an awesome video, Chase.
Hilarious story, krampus. Way to think on your feet.
Billy, does the ass in a big ass sandwich take place of the bread or the meat? I could imagine both.
A Story About My Last Couple of Days
So on Friday I wanted to be well again, as I've been sick for the past week and it's been getting in the way of all my work and my relationship. I took medicine and drank tea like a good lad, and was still sick when the day came around (and still am a little). After noticing that I was cranky and defensive I called off a date with my lady halfway through, she and her dad gave me a bunch of medicine and I went home, and soup, and crashed on NyQuil.
Yesterday, though, was an entirely different story. I worked my ass off and coughed a lot less, so she and I tripped shrooms and went to hang out with two of my bandmates and some good friends of ours. On the way we had long discussions about cloud formations (there were two fronts meeting) We met up with them in a parking lot at a mall, sat in Kelly's car, listened to Memoria Vetusta II, and I really started to feel like I was in a film noir movie. Every now and then I'd tell them I had a line coming up and start speaking very descriptively, "in novel form", as my friends said. I told them we had to go to the next scene, which ended up being dinner at the International House of Pancakes. My friend Davey would say hilarious things and of course I was reading from the book of my mind, so our waitress was very weirded out. After a few hours we went to a party where there were a lot of people that just weren't our crowd. I got tired and came down from my trip and we went home.
Also, a list of bands I've gotten her into lately:
Blut Aus Nord
Negura Bunget
The End