The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Or have our toilet waters been revolving backwards this whole time?

Holy shit. I just realised that my computer is picking up radio signals in the air and outputting them faintly through my speakers. I didn't know that was possible. I thought I was going fucking crazy when I was hearing shit without anything playing on my computer.
Episteme is lying. He doesn't have schoolwork or band stuff. He's just locked in his room being fed kimchi intravenously playing Starcraft.

I am probably going to buy Starcraft when it comes out (ironically the release date is on my boyfriend's birthday, the day before I head back to the States so I'll have to wait)
Main Entry: se·mes·ter
Pronunciation: sə-ˈmes-tər
Function: noun
Etymology: German, from Latin semestris half-yearly, from sex six + mensis month — more at six, moon
Date: 1827

1 : either of the two usually 18-week periods of instruction into which an academic year is often divided
2 : a period of six months
Thus, if there are more than two of them a year they can't be semester. Not sure if you were being sarcastic there or didn't get my sarcasm or what, but that was my point.

Main article: Education in Australia

In most of Australia, the school year lasts from late January to early December, and is split into four terms:

* Term 1 starts in late January or early February and ends one or two weeks before Easter
* Term 2 starts one or two weeks after Easter and ends in late June.
* Term 3 starts in mid-July and ends mid-September.
* Term 4 starts in early October and ends mid-December.

The exact dates vary from year to year, as well as between states, and for public and private school. In Tasmania, the school year is split in to three terms, the first one being the longest and including an extended Easter holiday. The following is a link with details on Australian term dates for 2008.

Australian universities have two semesters a year, between February and November. Many universities offer an optional short summer semester. One recent innovation in Australian higher education has been the establishment of the fully distance / online Open Universities Australia (formerly Open Learning Australia) that offers continuous study opportunities of individual units of study (what are called courses in North America) that can lead to full degree qualifications. Open Universities Australia operates four 13-week study periods each year. Since students study only part-time and off campus these study periods mesh reasonably easily with existing university offerings based on semesters. In some cases a "Semester" is referred to as a "Study Period", for example, by Centerlink.[citation needed]


We have 2 semesters through out the year for university. From the start of March to the end of June and from the start of August to the start of December. We usually have tests/exams in the middle of these semesters.

Some areas of study have trimesters.
Do you guys have a quarterly system going for college?

I have my semester exams in 4 weeks, and I still have more assignments to finish. :(

@Krampus, I suck too much at Starcraft to be Korean.