The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

My girlfriend's roommate, also one of my good friends has been playing the game non-stop. He's pretty good at the game but he hasn't been doing his assignments, which sucks because he's in a group with me. I'm going to bug him to get off his arse to finish his work...
I was told you can't suck at Starcraft. I have been lied to. I'm pretty bad at video games in general (except MarioKart 64).

lolwut? It's very easy to suck at Starcraft. I haven't played the new one but I've had many o' LAN sessions with friends who had a 4 month jump on me. I learned very quickly that people who know what they're doing on that game will rape your face in a heartbeat.
lolwut? It's very easy to suck at Starcraft. I haven't played the new one but I've had many o' LAN sessions with friends who had a 4 month jump on me. I learned very quickly that people who know what they're doing on that game will rape your face in a heartbeat.
Exactly, and the AI is pretty brutal as well. Can't say I beat the computer many times in custom games. I suck doubly against experienced human players(Terrans: Wraiths and Ghost Nuclear Missiles spam; Zerg: Zergling/Hydralisk rush, Protoss-Zealots/Dark Templar rush.:erk:
But whatever. It's still fun as hell.
feeling ashamed that a kid with an emo haircut on youtube is way better at the violin than i am

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feeling ashamed that a kid with an emo haircut on youtube is way better at the violin than i am

It's the curse of youtube. There are hundreds of whiny little punks on there whose balls haven't dropped yet who shred harder than I could ever hope to.
Exactly, and the AI is pretty brutal as well. Can't say I beat the computer many times in custom games. I suck doubly against experienced human players(Terrans: Wraiths and Ghost Nuclear Missiles spam; Zerg: Zergling/Hydralisk rush, Protoss-Zealots/Dark Templar rush.:erk:
But whatever. It's still fun as hell.

No more Wraiths unfortunately, Blizzard replaced them with Vikings(awesome anti-air units that can switch to a mech-type mode and have only decent ground attack capability, which replaces the goliath), and with Banshees(which have a cloaking ability and awesome air to ground attack). I found myself getting destroyed so quickly when I first got the beta, I've had a 6 game winning streak today as Protoss

Anyway, I like seeing some of the youtube videos for covers. It is a little heartbreaking seeing some kid outshredding me but it's cool to see some of the covers done well. Good to pick up ideas and get help on doing a song by ear.
I just got back from cashing another Art check at the bank and fidning out how many of my friends (5 of them) are not graduating this year aswell. 1 didn't pass her two OGTs and other 4 are just 1 credit short for graduatoin. And to top if off, all our conuselors are trying to convince us to sign out of school (we are all 18-19) and go get our GEDs or go to this place called LifeSkills because the graduation rate will some how look "bad" or something of the sort since next year they are combining the two highschools and will have way too many kids. I hate my school. And now I will eat a chicken sandwhich, listen to some Demolition Hammer, and sit on here.
Val is the greatest poster in all of UM. It's science.

Hello people. Look at your account, now back to me, now back at your account, now back to me. Sadly, your account isn't me. But if it stopped posting boring stuff and posted something funny or interesting it could seem like it's me. Look down, back up. Where are you? You're in the GMD Social Forum, with the account your account could post like! What's in your hand? Back at me, I have it, it's a picture of that lolcat you'd love to post. Look again, the lolcat is now diamonds! Anything is possible when your account posts like a pro and not tom brady. I'm on a horse.
Anyway, I like seeing some of the youtube videos for covers. It is a little heartbreaking seeing some kid outshredding me but it's cool to see some of the covers done well. Good to pick up ideas and get help on doing a song by ear.

Yeah man. And you get little ego boosts when you become better at something than the Youtube people. I'm still not better than emo haircut kid though I'd like to think I sound less robotic in the intro solo.
Hello people. Look at your account, now back to me, now back at your account, now back to me. Sadly, your account isn't me. But if it stopped posting boring stuff and posted something funny or interesting it could seem like it's me. Look down, back up. Where are you? You're in the GMD Social Forum, with the account your account could post like! What's in my hand? Back at me, I have it, it's a picture of that lolcat you'd love to post. Look again, the lolcat is now diamonds! Anything is possible when your account posts like a pro and not tom brady. I'm on a horse.

Some areas of study have trimesters.
Do you guys have a quarterly system going for college?

It depends on the university in 'Murka. Most do a Fall semester (mid September to early December) and a Spring semester (Late January to early May). Some do quarters. I've heard of one university's system (University of Washington or Puget Sound, can't remember which) where you take one class at a time and they all last three weeks, with like 6 hour field labs and shit.