The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I don't remember The Nomad being this good. I should definitely drink more.

Nothing. People on soulseek :lol:

Person: stop sending me there stuff i dont want

Me: I'm not sending you shit asshole

I think lightly buzzed from 3 bottles of 5% is normal. I am "quite drunk" from 3 bottles of 5%.

I'm at work with nothing to do today but it's FRIIIIIIIDAY so that's fine. Going down to Man-Purse's city this weekend and he is going to cook us salmon steaks and we are going to eat on the balcony, d'awww.
A third Japan tour has just been confirmed, all the way from Hokkaido to Okinawa. sweet!

other than that, just got off work. Some fucking douchebag from the kitchen stole all of the tips. He stole over 600 bucks, and mine were also in there! FUCKER
Putting groceries away. Shopping for food still feels weird, especially since I store the onions right next to my calculus textbook. Time for lunch, then hw, then some guitar practice, and then I think I have to go out drinking again. Life is fucking tough, man.
Oh shit.

Yesterday my drinking buddy told me to come down to the lounge of my building, and she was hanging out with some much older guys from Ontario who were here to see the Grand Prix. We had a couple beers and they ended sort of taking us out on the town. We went out for Chinese food and then walked to old Montreal to go to a bar. Except we didn't go to a fucking bar so I'm kind of pissed because I really want to go to a god damn bar, fuck. Anyhow, wandered around a while and went home. Old Montreal is really cool, btw. Went back to drinking buddy's apartment. She was having intense boyfriend issues followed by a lengthy phone call, so naturally I did the only thing I could, namely to drain a 40 of Labatt 10.1 in about a half hour and then have a couple more. I wound up crashing on her bed...and then throwing up a little on her bed in my sleep, which is fucked up. Because it's her birthday. I woke up around 9ish, staggered home, and went back to sleep. I woke up with a call from her telling me to come over so we can start drinking. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
Seriously, though, it was only a little spit-up but I did throw up in my sleep, which is probably the worst way to die that is actually likely to happen I can think of. Fortunately I always sleep on my side but wtf. Also, my phone has a bunch of texts in it that I don't remember sending at all.
Also, fuck hangovers. There's stuff I need to do today, and it's not getting done at all. And I'm hungry and I missed breakfast. Fuck.
Fuck drinking. Don't drink, people.
Fuck drinking. Don't drink, people.

Actually it's pretty cool if you don't drink like an idiot (i.e. yourself). Go easy on that shit.

Anyway, sounds like you're having a great time. Freshman year is the best for that. College only gets less and less fun as you go along and actually start having to work hard to finish up the major. I kinda wish I hadn't been such a pussy about drinking/partying during my first couple years.
I know, I really don't want to drink tonight. I'm probably gonna go really slow and leave as quickly as I can get away with. And yeah, I really can't believe I drank like that. If I never have another beer, I'm okay with it. I went and got breakfast at a cafe and some guy was drinking a beer and it was just gross. I want to experiment with various liquors and such, but I've determined that while I quite like being a little buzzed, I really dislike being totally fucked up, and that's not even counting the hangover.

And I need to study, do laundry, and clean my room. And I can't do any of that today. If I get drunk tonight I won't be able to study tomorrow. Fuck. This really is not fun at all. Also, I'm really starting to miss people.

What's a brand of vodka that says "I'm sorry I threw up in your bed?"