The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Chilling at the apartment of this couchsurfing dude in Blacksburg. He's sitting across the table from me working on some lecture notes for next week because he's a grad student at Virginia Tech. He's having five other people over in about an hour for a pizza party.

This is fucking wild :lol:
Soon, he may be...

*takes off sunglasses*

the False Joe...



I just did.....
They will be playing a cool ass riff. and all of the sudden the drummer feels like he is cool or something and changes it up ruining the riff and my headbanging.
Cheers Chris/challenge_everything for coming.

Great turn out. It was mainly Brutal Death Metal bands playing tonight, but we seemed to have stood out so that's a good thing. Got a good response with our new instrumental song. Now it's back into recording mode, and we're going to start tracking drums really soon.

Well I was very impressed. Technically you guys are all excellent. I didn't realise that your music was so tech-y, even though I had listened briefly to your samples, but that was quite a while ago now. I actually enjoyed the more straightforward riff-oriented sections more so than the 'Obscura'/DSO influenced bits, but that's to do with my musical tastes more than anything. I like the dual vocals too, I've always thought it's an under-used technique in metal. And you guys are all pretty young so there's plenty of potential there. Look forward to the album!
I got drunk yesterday. And the day before. A party outside where there are like 2000 hot teenage girls. So I just got moderately drunk and spent the night dancing. There was this horrible czech hip-hop group that I really really hate, so I had to survive their set :-/ I hate shitty rap.