The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Lol but yeah, i don't go for guys based on musical preference, that's just silly.

@Xorv: Kay
Yeah its very...John Cusack of me.
I'd hate to be with someone who wouldn't want to come to shows with me though, or would be really miserable going with me because they don't like the band. And it would prevent fighting in the car over what song to play. And it would be easy to get them presents because I could just buy cds, shirts and posters.
Yeah its very...John Cusack of me.
I'd hate to be with someone who wouldn't want to come to shows with me though, or would be really miserable going with me because they don't like the band. And it would prevent fighting in the car over what song to play. And it would be easy to get them presents because I could just buy cds, shirts and posters.

Chicks have it easy. I only have a few male friends who dabble in the more accessible kinds of metal, let alone girls. My last gf's idea of good music was Pink.
Chilling after a few days in complete hell...

Last wednesday I tried to kill myself with an overdose of depression/anxiety pills (two full jars of welbutrin and intuative washed down with southern comfort). Luckly some of my friends showed up and I told them to take me to the hospital once I started hallucinating. For 2 and a half days I had some of the wierdest fucking hallucinations (rotten shit coming out of walls, these weird ass looking spider things that were all over the damn place, some rotten ass cat thing that was screeching trying to come through the floor, random geometric figures floating around, my parents talking about raping me, etc). I then spent 4 days in a psych ward. It was weird being a "normal" person surrounded by people with real mental problems. Within the first two days there they had some code red thing go on (some black dude that had been admitted started freakin' out and they had to bring some cops in) "EITHER YOU TAKE THE SHOT NOW OR WE'RE GIVING YOU THE SHOT YOU DON'T COME BACK FROM!" The food sucked,beds smelled like shit, people were screaming all night, and the psychiatrist was this indian dick that was hard to understand. The doors were made so that they open both ways to keep people from barracading themselves inside thier rooms which sucked because that meant any random patient could just walk right into your room. Though the meds I abused were prescribed, all of this was enough to end my days of trying drugs. I've also dropped smoking, drinking, and burning myself.Seeing my family and friends so upset was horrible. My days of never stopping the madness are officially over.
If you were trying to kill yourself, why were you happy that your friends showed up?

My brain was all fucked up. At first I didn't let them into my room but they ended up comng in anyways. I don't even really know why I did it. I remember having the pills in my hand thinking " I don't want to do this". When they walked into my room I remember I started seeing these dots and telling them to create a tonka truck. They turned yellow and made a dump truck shape in the air in front of me to which I replied "These fuckers can make tonka trucks!" then it started getting wierder and I told them that I thought I needed to go to the hospital.
Tonka trucks are apparently the only thing that awaits us in the afterlife. They're like angels.

Angels that are Tonka Tough.

:lol: During my stay in the Psych ward this crackhead named Jose drew me a picture that says "Jose and dah Bi-polar bears Fok-u B-atch". He said I could sell it on ebay and get rich. Later in the day he snapped when a nurse told him to relax. H e ran out of the room yellin' and came back with another sign that said "Jose and the pussies". He screamed "This ones for the ladys! (slammed paper on a chair) MY NEW BAND NAME!" He then did one of those jump into the air so that your knees are by your ears and let out a loud "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" He went out of the room screaming down the hall about how relaxed he was. We didn't see him after that.
I'm taking a break from studying chemistry. Fuck school, it's cutting into my ancient language study time.
lolololol. dude, "normal" people don't try to kill themselves with PILLS of all things. either way, better luck next time, pills are not the way to go. or if you want to live, get better ASAP!
Chicks have it easy. I only have a few male friends who dabble in the more accessible kinds of metal, let alone girls. My last gf's idea of good music was Pink.

How do chicks have it easy? Female metal fans who aren't terrifying butch cargo pants wearers or Nightwish fellaters are pretty darn hard to come by.
I just realised my friend asked me what I thought of russel brand in front of his mother so I could say I don't like him and she would hear it. She is a fan of him and I do believe she likes me somewhat. haha this shit's hilarious.
How do chicks have it easy? Female metal fans who aren't terrifying butch cargo pants wearers or Nightwish fellaters are pretty darn hard to come by.

they're like 99.9% women with a thing for long haired men. So I'm [not] fucked.