The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Programming all night, baby! Yay for putting shit off until the night before.

I sure hope I don't get too tired to think straight within the next few hours, or my grade's really gonna suck on this assignment.

What really sucks is that I keep wanting to take a break, but I know that I can't rest for more than a few minutes at a time, or else I'll get sucked into a black hole of sleepiness that I won't be able to escape from.

Anyway, I hope you all are enjoying your night of sleep, you faggots.
Just got back from breakfast. No class until 11:00 so I'll be chilling here all morning. I'll probably work on some Latin if I get bored.

I haven't had a steady schedule in forever. I could really use one.

Being a procrastinator kinda disrupts things regardless, though.
Now in the debugging phase of my assignment. Currently trying to figure out why the hell I can't get a binary search tree to work.
trying to map to a printer. i had someone print a test page on the damn thing, yet the printer name isnt accepted on my computer. wtf?! i have technology

np: tyr- hammer of thor
we're not gonna take it. NO! we aint gonna take it. we're not gonna take it, anymoooooooooore

did anyone else buy their xmas album? oh man was it bad.
Now in the debugging phase of my assignment. Currently trying to figure out why the hell I can't get a binary search tree to work.

Ah, my brother is a programmer too. Now he started on a new project, he is going to create a media player. God, he tells me this stuff about programming in JAVA, and i just ignore him.

A while ago i both a pair of earphones for $3, since the ones i had where broken. And now i am trying the new ones, and i just figured out that it is one of the worst earphones i have ever bought :mad::mad:

i saw the title "12 metal days of christmas" and i figured i HAD to hear it. i love cheesy songs about metal, hence my love for manowar, but this was just bad.

currently unsticking my sack from my thighs. np incantation