The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


Eww, no. Jesus, I was joking about the Swedes.
But ewwwwwwwww Republicans...
ewwwww Democrats
ewwwwwww politics ewewew
This is kind of out of the blue, but are there tons of extremely hipster people at McGill? I was at a party last weekend and there were some dudes there from McGill back in Toronto for Thanksgiving and they were extraordinarily hipstery. They seemed like alright guys, but it was hard to even look at them. Just wondering if that was common or if these guys were an exception.

Montreal in general is a pretty hipstery city, and McGill has more than its share. They don't bother me too much, though.
I'm a college student.

I have an on-campus job that goes towards my tuition, but I don't exactly count it as work.
I'm undeclared... I'm probably going to go into journalism (actually considering writing for UM right now :p )
I like Kebab with Armenian bread. What's your origins? Armenian?

yup, i have your sig (our seal, not the flag behind it) tattoo'd on my left arm.

... where are you from?

Yeah, lavash, and kebab/horovatz(?) is fucking delicious.

haha, my man, khorovats right off the fire with some lavash is ass good as it gets!


I've hardly met any hardcore republicans I can take seriously. My favorites are the uneducated blue collar workers who protest against socialist programs by saying "people should work their way up" and then say "THEY TOOK OUR JEAAAAABS" when illegal immigrants come in. Smh.
I just realized that awesome stuff happens when you pull your lips apart and have them vibrate together and hum at the same pitch that the vibration is creating.