The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

JAGE's drunk post is probably the best thing he's written

Haha, let me quote it before he deletes it and claims it's the best defense against anybody commenting on it:

I JUST awokened and im still durnk from yetsterday. Oh and I got some new girls numberon my fone and some giant sombrebro on the floor in my flat which is like woah. don't know why

think I've fallen out with my buddies

but I had like one girl who I especially wasn't supposed to upset last night cos I did before and appoligsied. She smiled and waved aat me. I didn't say anything to her. I think she saw me with another girl tho so that might have gone down the dunny. anwyya met some fuwqazinggg hot greek girls. they made me guess whetere they were from and i said italy so they wren't happy.

oh and some motherfucking motherfucker cockblocked my dong. fucking cockson.

I think i ast daown and told some blonde woman my whole life story at the end of the night for some reasonso. :S

worried about the consequences of that bit :SSSS
when we were learning about foods in my german class, one of the students asked how do you say mozarella sticks in german. our professor was stumped, said germans don't fry too many things, and came up with one way of maybe saying it which I forgot

/pointless but slightly relevant story

I'm at work. Fuck everything. I dyed my hair back to black and now I am so goth bats are oozing out of my asshole.

I haven't felt much like listening to metal recently. More moody crap like shoegaze-shoegaze and post-punk blah blah.

Played and sang at a gig/party on Saturday, performance wise probably my best to date. This dykey Japanese chick grabbed my waist and said "nice body dieto dieto." I ate 7 dinner rolls with bread and jam. Being an adult rules, my life is so awesome.
6 beers for 9 dollars? where in the world

In our old high school pub? Yes. Actually, even at my uni. Actually, if you don't care about the brand, you can get this deal almost anywhere in here outside of the centre of Prague, where things are just better.
The beer deal is actually $8 cover and $1 beer. You have to tip, but if you buy a bunch at once it comes out to like 10 beers for $12 and a dirty look from the bartender. Cheaper than buying in a store. The only problem is that I'm sick to death of fucking Molson Dry.
I'm so stoned. Stoned so fucking much, really. Hour and some ago I had two cups of this weed milk and since then I'm surviving new feelings, like unholy in the shores of FUCKING STONEDNESS. Listening to country radio.