The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

At the pregame I drank 8 bud lights, two Rickards' Darks, and a double shot of Bacardi. Then we went for dinner, didn't make it to the bar until pretty late. At the first bar, did about four beers and a tequila shot. Then decided to pick up the pace. From 1:30 to 3 I drank four tequila shots, two whiskey shots, four or five beers, and a red-bull vodka. That got me a bit of a buzz, which wore off pretty quick.

We should do a Boston UM Meet-up/drinking contest. I will crush you, little man.
Jesus christ waif, you need to take up weed or something.

I still want to come to Boston on MDF week. Who wants to have me for a couple nights at their crib?
Scandinavia should do a 180 and go from goody two-shoes open-mindedness to ethnical cleansing of non-Lutheran lowlife. Then our prime ministers can wear berets and hide in caves while USA hunts them.


"HAYYYYYYYY ......We think we have made some copyrights on this"

"now, you die"
WAIF, do you have some sort of problem with your stomach where you don't absorb what you consume? I would be dead after 20 drinks of anything.

I really don't understand what happened. I know I have a fairly high tolerance, but that quantity of alcohol should have rendered me utterly shitfaced. I'm hoping it was a fluke; my bassist has a friend who is pretty much completely incapable of getting drunk (I met him once after he'd downed half a bottle of rum and wasn't even the slightest bit buzzed) and that honestly seems like a shitty thing.
Bored, skimming through Last.Fm trying to find something new and exciting...not successful so far.
zabu of nΩd;9549452 said:
I would probably fly up on May 20 (friday). Then presumably we would go to MDF together on the following thursday or whatnots.

That's quite a bit of time you'll be here. Plans to go anywhere besides Boston?
Icing my heel/ankle and hoping it stops hurting before my vacation. It's not fair that I get gay "sports injuries" just from my daily life of walking to work and the supermarket and shit. I need better shoes.

20 drinks is nuts. I have a super low tolerance and am giggly after 2 beers usually but some nights I'll have 6-7 and nothing happens. Tends to happen during uncomfortable or boring nights out.
zabu of nΩd;9549390 said:
Jesus christ waif, you need to take up weed or something.

I still want to come to Boston on MDF week. Who wants to have me for a couple nights at their crib?
Would you have any interest in splitting a shitty cheap hotel in Boston?
I want to be in a big gay room with you big gay boys drinking big gay drinks while listening to big gay death metal!

It's not fair that I cannot go :(