The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It might be for the best that Magic Marc never showed. What if he refused to deliver the Steak and Shake unless you touched his penis? Then it would have just been uncomfortable. I hate when you just want to have a quiet evening and then you have to call the cops on a pervert. That's only happened once but it sucked.

I'm just relaxing. Hopefully picking up my NEON ORANGE new Rx glasses after work. Eating dinner at the new shabu-shabu (cook your own meat in boiling water) restaurant.
I'm pulling an essay for English out of thin air. I have to write about the theme of friendship in a war book.
Devasya Chāyā;9553170 said:
Greek words can be names for badass things. I'm gonna create a Metal band called "Ὁ Ὀργασμός."

Edit: Also wondering how the hell "Shuh-yar-shah" becomes "Kser-kseis." Maybe it's because the Greeks would get confused if they called everyone "Barbar."

The ξ is the closest the Greeks could get to the "sh" sound in Persian. And the -ης ending was standard for names, especially those end in in -ah.
Dude, stop worrying so much; I deleted almost everyone I didn't personally know or hang out with regularly (aside from minor exceptions) from FB because I found it useless to have so many friends. If you so desperately want to be part of my inner circle just add me again and we'll get on our way. It's just that you're from CO and I've seen you for like 3 days of my life and don't connect with you in any meaningful way so I removed a lot of people these criteria were true regarding.

tl;dr i didn't really consider you a "friend" and i (maybe unfairly, sue me) removed you from my facebook not intending to cause drama but to reduce the amount of updates i got from people i barely know
Andy, you know you can just hide people in your fb news feed, right? I have like 70% of the people I have on there hidden because I'm just not interested in the inane details of their daily lives.