The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

English girls aren't really that hot, especially when compared to maybe romanian or finnish girls.
No. It's Christmas year round in Krampusland.

Fuck yeah.

Right now I'm talking to my aunt (not the one who's batshit crazy. We're in the clear, guys). She asked to see my resume and she's gonna make it look half-decent. Sweet deal.
Just woke up, gotta love having classes canceled. However, I can't really go anywhere due to my car still being snowed in from this apocalyptic thunderstorm blizzard we had a few days ago.
Wearing a badass plaid shirt because it's FRIDAY. TGIF TGIF TGIF. Playing music and going to an enchilada cook-off potluck dinner tomorrow.
Currently sitting in a gallery with my professor's work playing all around me (open gallery hours tbh); 13 TVs playing 4 videos each, all 13 DVDs on loop with high volume. It's a cacophony. Love it.
Eating super hybrid citrus fruits that aren't commercially available from my campus' citrus groves. God damn, this is the best fruit I have ever had. The blood orange/pomelo/mandarin is easily the best fruit I've ever eaten. The interior literally looks like a blood orange, but the fucking thing is like half the size of a basketball.

And Australian finger lime's fucking rule. It's is literally the perfect thing to accompany a margarita.