The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Spring break! I have some studying to do and a paper to work on, but mostly I have some time to just chill. Not that my life is so stressful anyways, but w/e.
I shot an show last night! first time too; bands were System Divide (did not like at all), Holy Grail (I kept laughing at how they dressed, also didn't really like but whatever), 3 Inches of Blood (sound much better without that deathcore vocalist dude), and Eluveitie (not really a fan at all). I got in free though (with bonus photo pass) and had a great time getting shots. Hung out with some of Elu after the show on their bus just standing around and shooting shit. Most were passed out though :lol:. One of their roadies was cool as hell, real nice down to earth guy.

But fuck do pit photographers piss me off. "Let's use a gigantic fucking flash and blind the band and everyone else! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR"
I wanted to go up to the Aborted guy and ask him when he would make a real album again, but I could not find him. Then when I did find him I forgot all about it because I was laughing at the tight pant/loose cowboy boot combo that was on stage.
I shot an show last night! first time too; bands were System Divide (did not like at all), Holy Grail (I kept laughing at how they dressed, also didn't really like but whatever), 3 Inches of Blood (sound much better without that deathcore vocalist dude), and Eluveitie (not really a fan at all). I got in free though (with bonus photo pass) and had a great time getting shots. Hung out with some of Elu after the show on their bus just standing around and shooting shit. Most were passed out though :lol:. One of their roadies was cool as hell, real nice down to earth guy.

But fuck do pit photographers piss me off. "Let's use a gigantic fucking flash and blind the band and everyone else! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR"

Thats pretty awesome (aside from the giant flashguy). Did you use a 50mm for shots or something else? And I forget if i asked this, but what lenses do you have?
I can't get her ass off my mind. I would spread it and look at the pussy for twenty thousand hours. Clean shaved yesterday. I'm in love, but she as really pissed at me today.
Thats pretty awesome (aside from the giant flashguy). Did you use a 50mm for shots or something else? And I forget if i asked this, but what lenses do you have?

Nah, I figured I wouldn't be close enough for the 50mm to be of value for me. I settled with my 100mm 2.8L because the thing utterly destroys flare/chromatic aberration. Plus on my crop the focal length is actually 160mm. The photo pit was.... ugh. So many buttfuckers were using massive flash units with diffusers - completely uncool for the band and everyone that had to look at them. Shit, this was my first show and even then I knew proper concert etiquette.

The lighting was especially terrible. Yes, I know the lighting in concerts is typically pretty dismal, but as I was told this one was especially so. It was pretty awesome to compare pictures with my friend Sanne though, since she was using her 70-200mm 2.8L on a crop body (equates to a 320mm focal length); just to see that some of my pictures looked like hers was somewhat exhilarating (she has been published... a lot). Everyone was rushing to the photo pit to blind bands for three songs while we scored this great area next to the mixing board just to the right of the stage that was only for people with all access/photo passes like we had. It was really weird standing there with a group of people with camera's, and then having security remove every one of them and letting us stand there to roam freely. Never had that kind of experience before.

I'm still going through a shit ton of post-processing. Here's the work I was doing on picture 96.

3 Inches of Blood 096 by Abnegātus, on Flickr

Post #1:

3 Inches of Blood 096R by Abnegātus, on Flickr

(be sure to click for big)

I settled for the desaturated/re-tint type for now because I got pretty aggravated trying to turn his skin tone into something that doesn't look overly flushed. My goal is to get the picture to look like it was taken in natural light. Hopefully I can do that!
Nah, I figured I wouldn't be close enough for the 50mm to be of value for me. I settled with my 100mm 2.8L because the thing utterly destroys flare/chromatic aberration. Plus on my crop the focal length is actually 160mm. The photo pit was.... ugh. So many buttfuckers were using massive flash units with diffusers - completely uncool for the band and everyone that had to look at them. Shit, this was my first show and even then I knew proper concert etiquette.

The lighting was especially terrible. Yes, I know the lighting in concerts is typically pretty dismal, but as I was told this one was especially so. It was pretty awesome to compare pictures with my friend Sanne though, since she was using her 70-200mm 2.8L on a crop body (equates to a 320mm focal length); just to see that some of my pictures looked like hers was somewhat exhilarating (she has been published... a lot). Everyone was rushing to the photo pit to blind bands for three songs while we scored this great area next to the mixing board just to the right of the stage that was only for people with all access/photo passes like we had. It was really weird standing there with a group of people with camera's, and then having security remove every one of them and letting us stand there to roam freely. Never had that kind of experience before.

I settled for the desaturated/re-tint type for now because I got pretty aggravated trying to turn his skin tone into something that doesn't look overly flushed. My goal is to get the picture to look like it was taken in natural light. Hopefully I can do that!

I like the way the desaturated photo looks, not bad at all. Hopefully you'll be able to get into more shows and do photography though, that'd be really cool. Are you going to Scion Rock Fest?
For the desat/re-tint I had to really fuck with the color balance. Damned red/magenta was the fucking bane of my existence last night when editing.

As for Scion rock fest... I wish, it's basically in my fucking backyard - but I was unable to register for tickets.

I need to find out who the promoter is and just bug them for a photopass. My best friend said to just pick a random name and pick up their ticket (said person could still pick up their ticket after contesting that they are who they say they are by showing ID), but I don't know anybody else who has signed up. I wanted to pick up his ticket, but he already claimed it.
Doing some fun editing.

Windows movie maker really sucks for these kinds of things though, it's a pain to try to time everything with those simple tools.
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For the desat/re-tint I had to really fuck with the color balance. Damned red/magenta was the fucking bane of my existence last night when editing.

As for Scion rock fest... I wish, it's basically in my fucking backyard - but I was unable to register for tickets.

I need to find out who the promoter is and just bug them for a photopass. My best friend said to just pick a random name and pick up their ticket (said person could still pick up their ticket after contesting that they are who they say they are by showing ID), but I don't know anybody else who has signed up. I wanted to pick up his ticket, but he already claimed it.

Fuck that sucks. Hope you'll be able to make it out some how. As for a photopass, contact this guy: I tried messaging him for the hell of it, because otherwise I can't use my camera (according to Scion, any SLR camera is "professional" :erk:).
Feeling sorry for myself because I totally ate shit and banged myself up pretty good while out running tonight. Road rash/scrapey bullshit all over the palms of both my hands and two bruised/skinned knees. I'm really lucky I didn't hit the asphalt with my face or get run over.