The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I used to wipe standing up all the time, and then all of a sudden I started to wipe sitting down and now I'm a full time sitter.
zabu of nΩd;9749697 said:
Where i work all the toilets have sensors and they were obv designed for people who wipe sitting down so they flush as soon as i stand up, and some of them even keep flushing over and over every time i drop the next piece of used tp in. So fucking irritating.

Haha. The hospital i used to get treatment had those type of toilets. It was really annoying when it flushed continuously with the slightest movement.
It's 1:06AM. My allergic reactons sometimes feel like asthma of some sort and I would't fall asleep anyway w/ this breath so I'm just going to listen to deathmetal and play some poker. We'll see if I can go through the night. I have a botany exam in the morning, so I should at least go there and try to pass it for the fourth time. Not that I know more stuff than last time. Haha. I just don't feel like studying now, but I am absolutely certain that the time will come soon as I am really intersted in the stuff that I should be learning.
Just watched the Chronicles of Riddick movie. Having watched both full-length movies and the anime short film and played the original Escape from Butcher's Bay, I would say that the second movie blew chunks and the Escape from Butcher's Bay was actually the most interesting of the series, story-wise...which I suppose makes sense, since it gives you time to get into the character...Tempted to go play through the remake and then Dark Athena.
Fixed that for you.
You don't poop in the shower? What's wrong with pooping in the shower? I mean, just let it out, push it against the drain until it goes right through, and let it go down the drain! And then you can clean your ass with the water so you won't feel so dirty down there like you would if you took a shit after showering. Man I fucking hate it when that happens.
Gonna have lunch soon, my new obsession is a citrus fruit called "dekopon" in Japanese (I dunno the English name). It's like an orange, but SO MUCH BETTER.
Constipated >_<
Relaxing with some tea after dinner and drinks with coworkers. Came home tipsy and did an exercise DVD and took a bath.
Sitting in class listening to Marrow Of The Spirit. Lunch soon. Dunno what I'll do when school is over; probably go hang out at my gf's house. Not sure if I have the energy to though >_<