The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I bought a new coffee maker from Amazon a few days ago. It's a Cuisanart Brew Station 14-cup. It's amazing how a new coffee maker can make coffee taste so much better. Sure, this is a $95 coffee maker so you would expect the coffee to taste phenomenal, but I'm legitimately impressed. This gives you the option to brew "regular" or "bold" pots, and since I ran out of my good shit and had to resort to Maxwell House, I naturally selected the bold option and my god, this coffee is pretty decent now. Obviously all the bold setting does is extend the length of time that the water soaking in the filter with the coffee grounds which means more of the flavor of the bean is in the coffee, but still. I'm pretty happy right now.
Meh, I drink it at work every morning. Can't beat 24 oz of coffee for 50 cents.

My parents got me a Keurig machine, which is way more badass than any shitty coffee machine you bought :)
So I've got a job. Some hot girl from work was smiling at me in a good way. Might have to get on that.
It is a very beautiful day. I shall take advantage by getting high as fuck and jammin' guitars with the neighbor.
I haven't done a goddamn thing today. I did do some grocery shopping and got my oil changed, but that's been it. The rest of the time has been spent on the computer or reading

tomorrow I'm hiking. that should balance things out
Good weekend!

Final violin performance for me, final guitar performance for MP on Saturday. He used his "special occasion" Blue Steel strings for the concert even though we didn't play anything that great or challenging. We did OK, I was so nervous my hands were shaking but after seeing the video my friend took I realized most of those nerves were unfounded. Some high notes missed and some mistakes but all in all I was happy with how we did. It is after all no small task to get two people who are used to playing solo/lead on their respective instruments to play nicely together.
All-day Barnyard Bash party at my brother's house yesterday. Drank from 4 in the afternoon until 2 or 3 in the morning. Then had friends and family over today for Father's Day. Good weekend. I'm going to sleep well tonight.
I just got back from a night of being drunk and high. That was awesome. I smoked a really strong hit of some dank weed, and then drank a bunch of 90 proof margarita mix or something. Whatever. I felt weightless and I had a great time with my friend. We never open up and we decided to talk about our troubles and I feel so much better now.
Just got back from Wynton Marsalis and the JLCO (jazz at lincoln center orchestra), they fucking brought the house down. No matter what I think about marsalis' opinions/personality (elitist prick), he leads the best big band out there and has the most ridiculous chops
First sunny day during rainy season! Felt like a million gazillion bucks this morning. Have a demonstration class this afternoon where all the teachers come and watch and I'm totally cool with that.