The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just rode my bike like 5 miles mostly uphill in mid 90 degree weather and at the end my vision got blurry, my heart beat got weaker, and I felt like I was going to puke. Fuckkk.
shit like that is not to be consumed.

Yeah, thats what the sticker on the bag says....:lol:

I am aware that no one knows much about the chemicals in this shit and different people act differently to drugs.
I never had much of a problem with it or any of the shit I've done so far in my adventures with drugs.
That said some day I will probably develop millions of tumors or have a seizure while driving.
Random question have you tried any of the 2C psychedelics and if so what was your experience with them?

Either way smoking last night wasn't a good idea. I couldn't fucking sleep and was a zombie this whole day. Almost got a speeding ticket while driving around for the radio station.
Yeah, thats what the sticker on the bag says....:lol:

I am aware that no one knows much about the chemicals in this shit and different people act differently to drugs.
I never had much of a problem with it or any of the shit I've done so far in my adventures with drugs.
That said some day I will probably develop millions of tumors or have a seizure while driving.
Random question have you tried any of the 2C psychedelics and if so what was your experience with them?

The thing is, they do know. the person who first created synthetic cannabanoids stated that just because they were analogs of cannabanoids did not mean they were as safe as the real thing, or safe AT ALL. he predicted people would take them, do stupid things, and kill themselves.

if i were you i wouldnt try any of the 2C compounds. they are more safe than their close relatives, psychedelic amphetamines such as D.O.B and all of it's cousins brothers and sisters, but are still not safe. because LSD is safe, it has lead to the widespread assumption that most research chemicals you can "trip" off are safe as well. its just tripping, right? drink everything you keep under your kitchen sink and i'll bet youll trip too, that's all i have to say about the 2C's.

i've done every drug youve ever heard of and many you havent, been struggling with a heroin and pill addiction for almost two years on top of that, and i still consider "alternative" psychedelics some of the most toxic and dangerous drugs in existence. i've come closer to death from several of these that i have from any amount of heroin i've done.
Fucking hell... I go out to run, and I see this fucking... thing... stuck to my passenger side window. So I go over and poke it with a tree branch from the ground. After finding a clean part to grab to full it off my window, I do so with moderate success (the thing was kind of glued on there). I think nothing of it and go do what's probably my most terrible run ever. Well, I get back and decide to see just what the fuck that thing was. As I turn my phone into a flashlight, I notice a shape that I've seen before. The damn thing was a diaper. A used diaper. But it wasn't filled with shit or piss... oh no! This fucking thing was filled with blood. Someone mangled a diaper so all of its adhesive bits were together, slathered that shit in blood, and then stuck it on my window. What the fucking christ.