The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

This act of carelessness had the wrong victim. This was the last straw. I could not stand to see how much carelessness inconvenienced other humans in the massive crossroads of life. Whether or not this type of behavior was the root of all problems, something had to be done. I placed a DNA sample into several of the biggest crime databases in the world. It was indeed local. It belonged to a woman charged with two counts of possession and one for distribution of crack cocaine. I could not let this crack whore get away with her indecency. I was going to make sure she would never forget. I grabbed my blowtorch and assorted metal stencils I had used for spray-painting. I found her house, it was a piece of shit in a neighborhood filled with rednecks. Her door was wide open, but she was probably too poor for anyone to want to rob her. I found her on her couch naked, her face stained white with cocaine nestled deeply into one of the cushions. She had been drinking, and was probably passed out. I put on my oven mitts and heated up the letters I needed. I watched the stencils change color with the heat, and smiled to myself. I placed my knee on her lower back, and burned "Use a trashcan, you stupid bitch." onto her upper back. I left her cesspool of a neighborhood and drove home in silence. Perhaps I'll cook something delicious tonight.
Fucking hell... I go out to run, and I see this fucking... thing... stuck to my passenger side window. So I go over and poke it with a tree branch from the ground. After finding a clean part to grab to full it off my window, I do so with moderate success (the thing was kind of glued on there). I think nothing of it and go do what's probably my most terrible run ever. Well, I get back and decide to see just what the fuck that thing was. As I turn my phone into a flashlight, I notice a shape that I've seen before. The damn thing was a diaper. A used diaper. But it wasn't filled with shit or piss... oh no! This fucking thing was filled with blood. Someone mangled a diaper so all of its adhesive bits were together, slathered that shit in blood, and then stuck it on my window. What the fucking christ.

Did you smell it and make sure it was really blood and not ketchup? That's the stuff nightmares are made out of. Maybe someone raped a baby and then took off its diaper.
Did you smell it and make sure it was really blood and not ketchup? That's the stuff nightmares are made out of. Maybe someone raped a baby and then took off its diaper.

I always taste the contents of used diapers to make sure it‘s not a ketchup or chocolate. That‘s the stuff nightmares are made of.
Smoked a bird on my way to work this morning. I didn't get a chance to see what (if any) damaged was done to my car because it was raining. I think it's ok, but if the paint is scratched or there's a dent I'm going to be pissed.
- I‘m drinking some wine, heavy, red wine
- failed some exam today, and I don‘t fucking care
- listening to Graveland
- kinda feeling like getting drunk tonight, with my girl
The thing is, they do know. the person who first created synthetic cannabanoids stated that just because they were analogs of cannabanoids did not mean they were as safe as the real thing, or safe AT ALL. he predicted people would take them, do stupid things, and kill themselves.

if i were you i wouldnt try any of the 2C compounds. they are more safe than their close relatives, psychedelic amphetamines such as D.O.B and all of it's cousins brothers and sisters, but are still not safe. because LSD is safe, it has lead to the widespread assumption that most research chemicals you can "trip" off are safe as well. its just tripping, right? drink everything you keep under your kitchen sink and i'll bet youll trip too, that's all i have to say about the 2C's.

i've done every drug youve ever heard of and many you havent, been struggling with a heroin and pill addiction for almost two years on top of that, and i still consider "alternative" psychedelics some of the most toxic and dangerous drugs in existence. i've come closer to death from several of these that i have from any amount of heroin i've done.

I asked because I did 2c-i for a while back in college and didn't get many open eye visuals any of the times, I mean the walls would bend like if you leaned forward, but that was it.

The only drug I don't have much of a huge interest in trying is heroin because a few of my friends have fucked themselves up on it.

@ Pessimism - :ill: Seriously a bloody diaper?
what you took then probably wasn't 2C-anything, and if it was it was probably a really, really low dose. if it was, you would know. unless you have a good amount of knowledge about this shit it's tough to distinguish what youre taking. you can slap a name on anything and sell it...
enjoying the irony of watching one of those 50 cents to save a sad black kid commercials-sitting on my couch watching it on my nice tv, eating a fat tub of ice cream. and that commercial exists because i'm doing exactly what i'm doing