The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sitcoms, as a rule, are fucking gay. Only police dramas and soap operas are worse. Actually, TV in general is fucking terrible, yet I watch at least 1 hour of it every day. It's like being hooked on drugs - you hate it but you can't stop.
Yeah. I don't even have a tv in my flat right now. The internet is enough of a time waster for me.
Debating getting back into Friday Night Magic now that I realized that mono-green infect works as a budget deck option. Gonna get me some Phyrexian Swarmlords and Putrefaxes.
Arrested Development is one of the funniest shows ever. People are missing out.

I currently watch Breaking Bad, It's Always Sunny, House, Dexter, and Castle. Of those, I'd say that Breaking Bad is legitimately good and It's Always Sunny is fucking hilarious.
Just watched the season premiers of Dexter and House. House was good, the Dexter one not so much. The new season of Castle kind of jumped the shark with the Game of Thrones reference, not to mention the ridiculous superhero thing...almost as bad as the vampire episode. If the next episode isn't significantly better, I'm gonna have to reevaluate watching the show.
Also, say what you want about cop shows, but...The Wire. I've never actually watched other cop shows, but that one fuckin' rules.
Debating getting back into Friday Night Magic now that I realized that mono-green infect works as a budget deck option. Gonna get me some Phyrexian Swarmlords and Putrefaxes.

Spring for some old school cards and get a Thallid deck going. If your group aren't a bunch of faggots and don't go by tournament rules, add in some red mana and go for broke with the ol' Ivory Tower/Channel/Fireball combo.
Spring for some old school cards and get a Thallid deck going. If your group aren't a bunch of faggots and don't go by tournament rules, add in some red mana and go for broke with the ol' Ivory Tower/Channel/Fireball combo.

In casual play, that actually sounds like a pretty great idea, as I love the old-school sets; I have a playset of Fireballs, and a couple Channels; acquiring the remaining ones plus the Towers shouldn't be a problem, since I think Towers only go for maybe 4 bucks apiece now.

I had a pretty bitchin' black deck that utilized Hymn to Tourach, Hypnotic Specters, Dark Rituals, Megrims, etc at one point, but I don't know where most of my Hymns went. :|

For tourney play though (Friday Night Magic, which is basically only the last two blocks + the last base set, so Innistrad, Magic 2012, and the Scars of Mirrodin block), this infect deck is looking like the most feasible option.
It sucks that my previous standard deck pretty much completely rotated out :( Damn green/white landfall.

I want to build my EDH deck idea I've been working on with a few additions from Innistrad. Green/white Rhys token deck. Its ridiculous. I once managed to have over 300k life with that deck during OCTGN playtesting. Seriously 8 double strike life link avatar token creatures whose power is equal to your total life swinging and the life link having to be calculated after each swing so after each swing their power effectively doubles? got ridiculous.
Speaking of MtG. What's up with prices on vintage cards. Revised Underground Sea for almost $100? Maybe it is time to sells some duals and FoWs and other cards laying around. :p
@Suparmurat: Channelball got neutered for a good reason. Imo any deck that allows first turn kills effectively ruins the game. Admittedly, vintage is all about ridiculous speed combos, but Channelball is just...crude. It lacks the elegance of Worldgorger, which is a really beautiful combo.

@Butt: pretty sure Hymn to Tourach got restricted for being utterly broken, but yeah, I used to run a black discard/control deck. Never bothered with Megrim, though.
My favorite black deck was a suicide black deck I had...first turn phyrexian negator is definitely gonna ruin someone's day, especially when you can follow it with a Grinning Demon the next turn.

Back when Onslaught was still in standard I played a deck based around putting ridiculously huge creatures like Krosan Colossus and Krosan Skyscraper face down in morph, then cycling a card and using Astral Slide to take them out of play. They then came back face up. It sort of worked.
That was pretty much the last point at which I followed Magic. The cards have gotten ridiculous since then...not just the stupid Japanese block, but fucking redundant cards and power creep out the ass. I miss the good old days. Everything up through Onslaught, basically. Mirrodin was when it started to go downhill. Imo the 8th edition redesign was when they jumped the shark.
Sadly, I'm over magic now. I miss it, but I can't afford to buy cards and I can't be bothered to put in the effort required to learn the various new cards and strategies and then break back into playing online, especially since all the non-WTC online magic things seem to be pretty shit. I used to play a ton on one, I think it was called MTGplay, but it got shut down...that was when I quit.

If I had friends that played I'd probably play with them.
Arrested Development is one of the funniest shows ever. People are missing out.

I currently watch Breaking Bad, It's Always Sunny, House, Dexter, and Castle. Of those, I'd say that Breaking Bad is legitimately good and It's Always Sunny is fucking hilarious.

Workaholics is similar to Sunny and it's way better. Sometimes Sunny is not at all funny.