The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I don't want a buzz cut on top. I want short back and sides and a trim on the top. I don't even own a pair of scissors never mind a trimmer.
Not sure if this is applicable to where you live, but if your town has a Chinatown go there. You can get this exact haircut for very little money, and they don't talk to you if you don't want to.
I cut my bro's hair. He can rock the buzz cut/short hair pretty well. That's an essential skill you should learn in the Corps imo. $12 a week for a haircut adds up quickly, especially when you're paid in peanuts.
Listening to Norther's new album and thinking how to earn money for Amon Amarth/As i Lay Dying/Septic Flesh concert in Croatia...and something very weird just happened to me..o_O
I cut my bro's hair. He can rock the buzz cut/short hair pretty well. That's an essential skill you should learn in the Corps imo. $12 a week for a haircut adds up quickly, especially when you're paid in peanuts.

12$ a week? W(here)TF did you get haircuts? Everywhere I went, even out in town they only charged active duty 5$.
and something very weird just happened to me..o_O

I’m horny as hell. I would just love to fuck some ass. Oh so good it would be.
And spread the beautiful ass and lick the pussy. SO GOOD.

EDIT: Fucking a 16 year old virgin in the ass.
Did some GRE studying today and then decided to do some fun logic stuff a little while ago. I like this one:

A rich man makes a promise to you: 'I have a diamond, a coin, and a rock. If you say something true, then I will give one of them to you, but it could be any one of the three. If you say something false, I won't give any of them to you.' What should you say if you want him to give you the diamond?

I think I got the solution to this one: "Either you'll give me the diamond, or you'll give me nothing."

The way disjunction ('either/or' statement) works in elementary logic is that a disjunction is true if at least one of the disjuncts is true, and also true if both disjuncts are true. A disjunction is false only if both of the disjuncts are false. So in order for the whole statement "Either you'll give me the diamond, or you'll give me nothing" to be false, both sides of the 'or' have to be false. In order to not get anything from the guy, I have to make a false statement, but if my statement is false, then "you'll give me nothing" has to be false, which leads to paradox, since the negation of "you'll give me nothing" is "you'll give me something."

If the statement is true, it can be true in virtue of the falsity of "you'll give me the diamond" and the truth of "you'll give me nothing." But that again leads to paradox since the disjunction is true and the rules of the game say that the man gives me something if I make a true statement. So in order to avoid paradox, the statement cannot be false, nor can it be true in virtue of the falsity of the first disjunct and the truth of the second disjunct. And it certainly cannot be true in virtue of both disjuncts being true, which would also yield a paradoxical result.

Thus, the only non-paradoxical choice is for the statement to be true in virtue of the truth of the first disjunct and the falsity of the second, which means that the man must give me the diamond. Boom!

Stuff is fun, makes me cream. Any logic junkies (Addo?) feel free to chime in if you think I got it wrong.
Did some GRE studying today and then decided to do some fun logic stuff a little while ago. I like this one:

A rich man makes a promise to you: 'I have a diamond, a coin, and a rock. If you say something true, then I will give one of them to you, but it could be any one of the three. If you say something false, I won't give any of them to you.' What should you say if you want him to give you the diamond?

Wouldn't "I want the diamond" work?

Your answer is a great one because it can't really be "wrong".

In the end the rich man could be a dick and just say "Fuck you, I'm giving you the rock".

I suppose "I have a gun" would work as well :lol:
Then you get all 3 plus his wallet, shoes, etc.