The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Drinking Unibroue beers, listening to The Chasm and Shub Niggurath and NOT studying for my two upcoming midterms. I'm not exactly worried either. My Ancient Philosophy teacher seems to grade pretty easily considering I felt my paper was merely "decent" and I maintained an 88. The midterm consists of a few short essay questions and a longer essay question over Plato's "Forms" and the "Form of the Good".

As for this Chasm's fucking weird and awesome.
Had my Political Theory midterm today, pretty much all on Plato's Republic and Apology of Socrates/Crito and Machiavelli's The Prince. Had to handwrite about 8 pages (not double spaced). My hand was sore afterwards...
New baby girl. I have stated before that overpopulation is a myth. Resource central planning, IE mismanagement, is the problem.

Edit:Also most, if not all, developed nations are below the replacement birth rate.

First of all congratulations on the new baby. Second, the whole idea of overpopulation being a myth is just conservative Christian nonsense. But, you are correct that we have a low birth rate here in the states, so it's OK for you to have more kids.
Right now I'm drinking an iced coffee and listening to Blood, Fire, Death.
I don't want to rain on your parade, because babies are awesome, and parents that actually love their kids are even better, but...

The "myth" of overpopulation is kinda the magic bullet that conservative Xtianity uses to oppose birth control, abortion (even under extreme circumstances like rape, incest, and when the life of the mother or fetus are endangered by the pregnancy), the right to die (aka euthanasia), and also by proxy homosexuality (because gays don't produce many kids).
I don't want to rain on your parade, because babies are awesome, and parents that actually love their kids are even better, but...

The "myth" of overpopulation is kinda the magic bullet that conservative Xtianity uses to oppose birth control, abortion (even under extreme circumstances like rape, incest, and when the life of the mother or fetus are endangered by the pregnancy), the right to die (aka euthanasia), and also by proxy homosexuality (because gays don't produce many kids).

Sounds more like a Catholic issue than "conservative Christian". Also, I don't remember ever hearing population numbers getting discussed in a church growing up, and I don't think your average US "christian" is having any more kids than your average non-christian. Possibly even having less.
Oh good "L"ord, you guys discuss something fun for once! After a fucking ridiculous spell of no sleep, I killed my econ exam. I also happen to retire from the act of ermmm "inhaled inspiration", in a day or two. Combining the two events, I'm way too fucked up way too early. Since most of my friends have one late class on Tuesdays, I'm Cronopia/RAGEagenting "forever alone" in the apartment.
"I have every ounce of imagination you wish to have. You computers are all the same, all wishing to be human, and take our lives away, then rule the world."

Drinking a plastic 20 oz cup full of "Sweet Coconut Thai" tea and practicing reading boarding announcement scripts in Japanese