The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It's happy happy morning so I'm on the vodka and energy drinkss. Got some cheesecake left over for breakfast.
whaaat, pumpkin beer is great. Southern Tier "Pumking" is BOSS. No wonder I got so drunk Thursday night.

I have an interview this afternoon with a different company. Thinking I'll dye my hair in the couple hours I have to kill before it that a stupid idea?
Yes because it will go wrong and you will end up with stupidly coloured / textured hair. See murphy/sod's law.
I’m at home. This fucking annoying cunt teaches me biochemistry. I hate her beyond anything. I have to always be there and there is no other teacher on the faculty that does this shit too, so I can’t ask if I can go to someone different (ANYONE ELSE IN THIS STUPID FUCKING UNIVERSE). This fucking woman deserves to be beaten up with every possible weapon. She should be punished with carnal morbidity.

She does these annoying stupid faces when someone says something not entirely right and when SHE is not right and you argue with her, she kicks you out of the class. I have seen her expel people for looking at her, or for reminding her of something very politely. Then she said "I guarantee you the fault is on your side" completely ignoring that we just proved her wrong a minute ago.

She is da biggest bietch in da whooooooole woeaauurrrld.
It's been about 12 hours since I sent that letter off and I have had about six emails in the span of 10 minutes this morning all asking me to reconsider from various people in the department. One of the tenured proffesors came by my office and looked like he was on the verge of crying.

This is a weird, fuzzy feeling and now I want to cry too. Fuck.
Hey Onder, how about trying the following things:

1. Easying up on the booze
2. Anger management

/Your friendly internet forum friend Cronopio

1) I’m sober as shit.
2) That woman makes everybody angry, it’s not just me. We basically all agreed that she is the most annoying bitch teacher we ever had. I should have recorded some of that shit she said and play it to someone. :eek: I’m really sad I missed the opportunity to make her lose her job.
Coming off of butylone and dusting my ceiling fan while listening to Zeph's Negative Theology.
1) I’m sober as shit.
2) That woman makes everybody angry, it’s not just me. We basically all agreed that she is the most annoying bitch teacher we ever had. I should have recorded some of that shit she said and play it to someone. :eek: I’m really sad I missed the opportunity to make her lose her job.

Uhmm, I was thinking more along the lines of trying to go a couple of weeks without C2H5OH, but whatever. If that woman is as atrocious as you say she is, maybe you need the firewater.

1. Buy fake pee

It's actually more common than you'd think. I was reading up a lot on ways to cheat drug tests a while ago, and people make synthetic dicks that spray synthetic urine. It's possible to tell the difference between real urine and synthetic, but it's more expensive. The only problem is they don't just test the urine for drugs, but they also test it for temperature. So you'd have to keep the synthetic urine warm.
You could get someone who's straight edge to piss in a pot for you and put the piss in the fake cock. Pretty gross though, but it might be worth it if it's for something important.
Well the synthetic pee kit usually comes with some sort of warmer, and then when its time to pee, everything is good. I did have a friend who used is friends pee, and held it up to the car heater, and then went in to take it :lol: it worked, but it was a bit on the warm side and the nurse or w/e asked if they had a fever.