The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just accidentally found a group that sounds like Dead Can Dance with a bunch of albums. I'm going to be so bankrupt.
Do they sound like the good DCD stuff (i.e. first 1/2 of WTROADS) or is it like all their stupid mystical chanting garbage?
Urgh I have to give a presentation tomorrow with a group of other students. Anyway, the guy who was supposed to sort out the powerpoint has put my slides in the wrong order, despite me specifically emailing him and explaining the order. For fucks sake. Why are people so fucking incapable of doing anything right?

I fucking hate working in groups and teams, always have.
zabu of nΩd;10059054 said:
Do they sound like the good DCD stuff (i.e. first 1/2 of WTROADS) or is it like all their stupid mystical chanting garbage?

I haven't listened to much of their stuff yet, but to me it sounds to me like a cross between The Serpent's Egg and WTROADS.

and they are...

Rajna. They're French, I believe. Their name sounds like a Hindi verb. If I were to guess what it means, I'd say it means "to crown."

Edit: A youtube search for Rajna won't necessarily point to the band. Look for the song Glorian. It should pop up in the results.
I want to find more music like DCD's first album. It took me longer to get into than the rest of their stuff, but it's great.

I second Arcana. I don't think I've ever heard of Elend.
Now more to add to my list of albums to get. Here it is:

Lunatic Soul - Lunatic Soul
Lunatic Soul - Lunatic Soul II
Riverside - Second Life Syndrome
The Moon and the Nightspirit - Regõ Rejtem
The Moon and the Nightspirit - Õsforrás
The Moon and the Nightspirit - Mohalepte
Ulver - Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr i 5 Capitler
Ulver - Themes from William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Ulver - Lyckantropen Themes
Ulver - Svidd Neger
Ulver - Wars of the Roses
Skogyr - Rainchants
The Axis of Perdition - Deleted Scenes from the Transition Hospital
The Axis of Perdition - The Ichneumon Method (And Less Welcome Techniques)
The Axis of Perdition - Tenements (Of the Anointed Flesh)
White Noise - An Electric Storm
Stellamara - The Golden Thread
Stellamara - The Seven Valleys
Stellamara - Star of the Sea
Irfan - Irfan
Irfan - Seraphim
Rajna - Hidden Temple
Rajna - Iklesia
Rajna - Ishati
Rajna - Yahili
Rajna - The Heady Wine of Praise
Rajna - The Door of Serenity
Rajna - Otherwise
Rajna - Duality
Rajna - Offering
Well the slide thing was my fault. Oh I'm glad it's over. I need a stiff drink but all I've got is straight vodka and scotch broth. Jesus Christ that would be an awful combination. Fuck.
Just got to work and chowing down on some McDonalds, ruining all of the cleaning work the dentist did earlier. Next Monday I'm getting all four wisdom teeth taken out and then a few weeks after that getting some fillings done. Not thrilled at all to have any of these procedures to go through but they need done. :(

Probably going to need braces (again) after the wisdom teeth are out and fillings are in. Bunch of bullshit but I want straight teeth again damnit.

Oh ya and, the hygienist there was a hot Filipino chick. I was laying my mack on her and she was biting pretty good but then she took her glove off and I saw the ring. lame
Ah fuck, its 6pm and I feel I'm just now starting to wake up. I went out with some friends last night and got solidly drunk, somehow made my way home, and spammed multiple message boards with Destroyer 666's Satanic Speed Metal.

I was supposed to go do my financial aid stuff at the college today too. Damnit.
Feeling bad. I was supposed to mow my neighbor's lawn today because his father died and he had to go to India. The grass was way too thick and I'm 90% sure it broke my mower. Several times it stopped the blade, so I would get rid of the grass that clumped up there, but then one last time the blade got caught in the grass, smoke came out of the mower, and then it wouldn't start. Fuck. I don't know what I'm gonna tell my neighbors.
If you want more DCD-like bands check out Arcana and Elend.

And fuck you Grant for not liking ALL DCD material.

I haven't listened to that much of their stuff overall, but i have listened to a lot of Arcana, and whatever part of DCD's discog is like your average Arcana album (i.e. all of them, cause they sound pretty much the same) i have no special motivation to seek out, because it is generally unimpressive and not hard for any random band with a few classically trained vocalists and some kettle drums to crap out (which is why Arcana have so many albums).

Oh, so you basically exalt their more accessible, poppier material. Color me surprised. Personally, I find much of their "mystical chanting garbage" to be quite musically interesting, and sometimes far more interesting than anything on the first 1/2 of WTROADS.

I don't see myself "exalting" the first 1/2 of WTROADS because it's more accessible and poppy, but rather because it's more unique and has more of an emotional impact for me than something i equate to an average fantasy movie soundtrack. I really don't get why you would consider DCD's ambient/world-music stuff more interesting.

Note: i do not hate ambient/world-music stuff. I listen to a lot of Arcana, actually. However, i'm not going to call generic music non-generic simply because i enjoy it.
Jesus christ, can't you fucking turds let a guy have some fun?
