The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Lucky. I gots none.

I have a question for the forum that may make me come off as a bit spoiled/immature, but I have to ask it regardless. How do you deal with having a full-time job? Doing the same thing for many hours straight just wrecks me, even if it's something I enjoy. I was hoping I could get some tips for coping with a long work day seeing as for the next couple months I plan on having a full-time job.

It's never easy to cope with a full time job, but if you can, do not take work seriously. I goof off like a spastic retard when I'm at work, and it makes the day go by a lot more easily. Not a good strategy if you're looking to climb the corporate ladder, however.
Lucky. I gots none.

I have a question for the forum that may make me come off as a bit spoiled/immature, but I have to ask it regardless. How do you deal with having a full-time job? Doing the same thing for many hours straight just wrecks me, even if it's something I enjoy. I was hoping I could get some tips for coping with a long work day seeing as for the next couple months I plan on having a full-time job.

Be a teacher like me :p
If you enjoy what you do, then it's not a problem. However, if you're stuck at a soul-sucking job, then do what Sap said. Don't take it super seriously...understand you're just using it as a means to an end.
It's actually a pretty terrible idea.


zabu of nΩd;10064015 said:
i've had one for a year and a half and i'm still trying to figure that out

>_> >_>

It's never easy to cope with a full time job, but if you can, do not take work seriously. I goof off like a spastic retard when I'm at work, and it makes the day go by a lot more easily. Not a good strategy if you're looking to climb the corporate ladder, however.

I'm gonna have to try this. Thanks for the idea.

Be a teacher like me :p

That's what I plan on doing. I'm either going to be a teacher in international schools or slums around the world or work for NSA or any rewarding job (be it emotional or monetary) that requires language skills.

If you enjoy what you do, then it's not a problem. However, if you're stuck at a soul-sucking job, then do what Sap said. Don't take it super seriously...understand you're just using it as a means to an end.

Good idea. I'm probably going to end up spending time calculating how long I'm going to be doing soul-sucking work. I'm lucky in the regard that my parents can pay for my college education, though.
We've read Plato, Sophocles, Seiyes, Wolff, Thoreau, Locke, Rousseau, Kagan, Machiavelli, Sartre, and now Camus. Later we'll be reading Franz Fanon, Ghandi, and MLK.

The overall focus of the class is on the moral basis of political authority, and on what constitutes a legitimate exercise of power, if anything. So far I'm really enjoying it, but right now I'm reading about 100 pages from Normative Ethics by Kagan and it's some fucking dense stuff. Makes a lot of sense, just very slow going.

Wish we were reading that that much in my class. Instead, my professor chose to focus on Plato's Republic, Apology of Socrates and Crito, Machiavelli's Prince, Locke's Second Treatise of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration, and finally Rousseau's Discourses and On The Social Contract. I like reading everything through, but at the same time, we don't get to touch on all that much.

Overall, we're looking at what is justice, and what it requires of us, how should we live and function as individuals and as a society, and what is the best form of government.
Just got back home from the dentist. I had all four wisdom teeth taken out. My lower lip, chin, and tongue are all still numb but my jaw and the holes where the wisdom teeth were taken out aren't, and they hurt. I'd take the vicodin and penicillin the dentist prescribed me but I can't fucking swallow. My mouth tastes like blood and drilled tooth.

Tomorrow is going to be a pain in the ass.
Just got off with Sansdisk customer support about an RMA. Reason they never bothered to notify me about a shipping cancellation? They didn't have a white mp3 player in stock... next time fucking contact me and I'll tell you to send a black one, or a blue one, or a red one... just fucking send it to me you assholes. Now I've got to wonder if they'll even ship my product off before I leave my current residence (Got to sell our house, can't afford to live paycheck to paycheck here anymore). I'm going to be pissed if i don't get my confirmation email within the next few days.

I'm going to get ready to go take some photos now. Also, Eric Bibb is fucking awesome. His voice is like honey (just listen to his rendition of Wayfaring Stranger on youtube).
Just attended (and photographed) a press conference with Mike Huckabee and Tom Daschle. Also gonna go to the lecture/talk they're doing in a couple hours.

And yesterday I got to hang out with Mitch Harris (of Napalm Death) briefly, and he even jammed with my friend, which came out totally awesome.
I'm gonna have to try this. Thanks for the idea.

Here's a few other things to keep in mind:

* Coworkers can make a big difference in how 'livable' the work environment is. If there are people there that you find interesting and can see yourself becoming friends with / hanging out with often, this can make the job a lot more rewarding (and therefore less soul-sucking), as opposed to being isolated and having no sense of belonging. It's also nice to be able to bitch about the job to someone who's in the same position. This is something i sorely lack in my job, and i'm going to do my damnedest to get a feel for the personalities at the next place i work whenever i'm back in the job market.

* Getting regular exercise will make you feel a lot better during the day, especially if you have to sit at a desk a lot or otherwise have limited range of motion. Cardio workouts help with general restlessness, and weight lifting (esp. back exercises) help with the muscle tension that results from hours of sitting and/or poor posture. Once i started working out it really opened my eyes to how much of the stress and misery of my job came from being out of shape.

* Don't undersleep. Being required to do mentally demanding tasks for 8+ hours straight after you've gotten shit sleep is like torture, and it will make your job performance suffer, which in turn can make you stress out over whether your boss thinks you're doing your job. This is a huge challenge for me since i hate coming home after a long day and feeling like i have to hurry to bed after my household chores are done.

* If things start going south on the job, and you happen to have health insurance that covers psychotherapy, get on that shit. A $20 copay per week in exchange for some potentially life changing advice is a pretty good deal.
But what is your view on theories like Rousseau's social contract?

No one disputes people are partially a product of their environment, but how does this in anyway justify or legitimize the environment? I find the social contract argument completely lacking in logical follow through.

It starts with a given and then /facepalm.
I have an interview today for some entry-level position at an energy company. The only thing I really know about the job is that I'll be dealing with people. Whatever. A job's a job.
I already feel like I need to do that. Right now I'm willing to do more things because I'm pretty sure if I don't have a job pretty soon I'll be kicked out of the house.

I was invited to the training tomorrow after the interview. I'm pretty sure my emphasis of my Spanish skills is what got me the invite. The job kinda sounds like a scam to me, like they give you a percentage of what you sell. So I'm gonna do some research before deciding to go to the training.
People in cities are always just 3 days from panic mode. I, for one, will just think "I told you so" if our JIT system has a systemic breakdown.
I'll keep that in mind.

So it turns out the Simpsons live in Maine. I always thought it was Illinois.