The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm ecstatic right now. My uncle told me about this airline so cheap that I could get a flight to Colombia for like 1/6 of the price I'd be paying otherwise. Fuck yes. I could leave next week and I'd have more than enough money for food left over.

All I have to do is get a couple things straight. I have to arrange for some extended family to pick me up at the airport (since it's in a different city than the one I'd be living in). I'm pretty worried about a taxi driver kidnapping me when they notice my accent. Also, I need to get my mother to renew her citizenship so I can not only stay indefinitely in the country without a visa, but I can also get a Colombian passport, which means cheaper visas than ones I'd get with an American passport. Fuck yeah.

Either way, if both of those things don't work out, I'd have enough to pay for a bus, and I can stay long enough without a visa to get a visa.
My uncle told me about this airline so cheap that I could get a flight to Colombia for like 1/6 of the price I'd be paying otherwise. Fuck yes.......
All I have to do is get a couple things straight........I'm pretty worried about a taxi driver kidnapping me when they notice my accent. Also, I need to get my mother to blah blah blah

I loled like fuck.
I'm not counting on all of it to go according to plan. Either way, I have family where I'm going that I can stay with. Even if I end up spending pretty much all my money getting there, I'd still have a place to stay and food to eat. Fuck yeah, Hispanic families.

But that doesn't mean I plan on just mooching. I'm going there for educational purposes, and based on what my uncle has told me, I'll be able to make some money teaching people English (and I already have experience teaching it to Spanish speakers.) As soon as I get there I'm going to look for people I can teach. It shouldn't be too hard since some of my relatives are in university and probably know people looking to improve their English.
I'm not counting on all of it to go according to plan. Either way, I have family where I'm going that I can stay with. Even if I end up spending pretty much all my money getting there, I'd still have a place to stay and food to eat. Fuck yeah, Hispanic families.

I hope actual Hispanic families are better than "Americanized" Hispanic families, because that's what my wife's family is, and they are psycho-pseudo-hispanic-trash. Fortunately she agrees.
I'm sure there's a lot of variation within Hispanic cultures, especially based on wealth. Mine is a bit on the wealthier side, and the culture is a lot more supportive/family oriented. When I told my uncle I was thinking of going he pretty much showed me all of the options that I took, and all of the doubts I presented such as money and stuff he pretty much dispelled and said people would support me with.
I'm sure there's a lot of variation within Hispanic cultures, especially based on wealth. Mine is a bit on the wealthier side, and the culture is a lot more supportive/family oriented. When I told my uncle I was thinking of going he pretty much showed me all of the options that I took, and all of the doubts I presented such as money and stuff he pretty much dispelled and said people would support me with.

Would this explain your semi-global, asexual, androgynous worldview? :D (No offense)
Not really. I think it may have to do more with me being biracial and socially awkward. From what I've read, it's not uncommon for people who seek to understand other cultures to be people who feel out of place in their own. My social awkwardness that has persisted for a lot of my life probably explains the other parts.

Wealth hasn't really impacted my life a whole lot. My dad is very big on not spoiling his children, and thus the only luxury I've had that most middle class people (that I met) don't is getting pretty much any education I want paid for by my parents. But yeah, my family's been able to travel a bit. We still don't stay at exactly lavish places.
Not really. I think it may have to do more with me being biracial and socially awkward. From what I've read, it's not uncommon for people who seek to understand other cultures to be people who feel out of place in their own. My social awkwardness that has persisted for a lot of my life probably explains the other parts.

Wealth hasn't really impacted my life a whole lot. My dad is very big on not spoiling his children, and thus the only luxury I've had that most middle class people (that I met) don't is getting pretty much any education I want paid for by my parents. But yeah, my family's been able to travel a bit. We still don't stay at exactly lavish places.

I completely empathize.
I'm ecstatic right now. My uncle told me about this airline so cheap that I could get a flight to Colombia for like 1/6 of the price I'd be paying otherwise. Fuck yes. I could leave next week and I'd have more than enough money for food left over.

All I have to do is get a couple things straight. I have to arrange for some extended family to pick me up at the airport (since it's in a different city than the one I'd be living in). I'm pretty worried about a taxi driver kidnapping me when they notice my accent. Also, I need to get my mother to renew her citizenship so I can not only stay indefinitely in the country without a visa, but I can also get a Colombian passport, which means cheaper visas than ones I'd get with an American passport. Fuck yeah.

Either way, if both of those things don't work out, I'd have enough to pay for a bus, and I can stay long enough without a visa to get a visa.

What airline?