The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

sevag00 said:
Fuck. That thing costs like $1000. I was meaning to get that exact same laptop. Now i'm leaning more towards netbooks. Maybe a Sony Vaio.

Eh not quite
15.6" screen
320g hd
4gb ram
Intel 6200
It's nothing crazy. But it's exactly what I've wanted
Hahaha yes. I'm not joking.

I had to laugh at this:
Girl in blue's name is Dusti Akers. Went to school with her through middle school and high school. She's definitely the first boobs and vagina I ever felt/saw in middle school... nine years later... West Virginia :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
I slept for about three hours tonight. At first my body was like what the fuck mate, but then it came to realize that I'm not pissing around. And I wasn't pissing around today. Then I went to take a piss. And a shit. Huge farts etc etc. The day began! Beautiful hour in public transportation and then another fucking beautiful hour in fucking public transportation, buses, metros, trams, bitches, homelesses, retards, you name it. Fucking fucking fucking fucking fuck. FUCK. WHORES. CUNTS. CUNT.

I dont shit alot like I used to. My body is still figuring out how to handle eating a normal amount of food.
Now I shit every 1.5-2 days.

Anyway, ibuproferen, coffee, bagel, icy hot, and stretching better help this.
I say all that and I get an awful pain that makes me yell. Back pain is the absolute worst!
Even had to call into work to tell them I'd be late.
Drinking coffee. I was standing outside yesterday smoking a cig and slipt. My shoulder is really sore. I could not even catch myself and went down so hard.
Back pain is the absolute worst!

My boyfriend has really bad back pain from time to time as well and he doesn't half roar when it hits. Makes me feel incredibly glad I don't have any back problems. What helps alleviate his pain are muscle relaxants (at least to a degree) and sleeping on a hard surface. Also visits someone who does "vyöhyketerapia" (translator gives me "reflexology" and "zone therapy"? Never heard of the latter). So yeah, shitty break for you, hope something helps soon.

Eating salty licorice and trying to make sense of my school's tutor group forum before my course starts on Sat. Bricking it more and more the closer it gets to the kick-off date. Fuu ffuuu
Salty licorice blaaghaghahrahgh! I don't know how you Finns developed a taste for that stuff, every Finnish traveler I met in Japan had a big box to share with whoever they met in their travels.

I'm trying not to lose track of any parties at work. I've graduated from secretary to secretary/employee supervisor/catering supervisor. Where's my raise?!
That's not true. People who are actively losing weight don't shit as much because they're eating a lot less. Even a high-fiber diet won't yield frequent poops if you're not eating at maintenance levels.