The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I notice I've developed this tradition for whenever I'm working on a giant project over night, or have an exam the next morning, and sleeping is not an option: I buy a bunch of Bawls caffeine drinks, then queue up several hours of really monotonous trance music on my computer, and I'm pretty much good to go all night. It's funny, I actually get kind of nostalgic doing it nowadays.
Just woke up and still feeling full (and stomach-achey) from stuffing myself last night. This could be the first day in my life when I only eat one meal, because I won't be hungry till dinner tonight, likely.
I just did some math on my final grade estimate for algorithm analysis, and it looks like I'll be passing it this time, and thus not have to take it a third time.

THANK GOD :worship:
Just finished the last of my Latin assignments for the semester. I've got one little extra credit of Virgil to translate and then all that's left is the final, which I can take as soon as the 16th.
Im about to go sign up for a couple courses. Going to go look at a few more options involving Latin and Poetry, and see what I can get from those

Otherwise, I gotta start replacing some members in my band. They suck. I hate it. Fuck sakes it pisses me off.Kelowna (B.C.) has alot of talent, buts its mostly rednecks and rich folk around here, i.e. Country and Metalcore
I'm drinking some nice hazelnut coffee!. I've not had any coffee in probably 4,5 days and it tastes even better.
I'm reveling in the fact that I actually passed my Federal Government class with a C. I thought for sure I was going to fail that. I failed Comp II, though, because I flunked the final and my paper was shit, so I've got to take a winter intersession class to keep my grade the same time, however, I have a $100 fine for the empty alcohol bottle they found in my room once (it was a collector's item, nothing more), and another $76 for a library fine because I kept a movie and a CD out for like, a month. This fucking blows. I have to pay the fine before I can register, but I don't get paid until tomorrow, and I can't register tomorrow, I don't think. I get my check at 1:00ish (maybe, depending on whether or not it comes in or not), and the offices close at 12:30.

I'm fucked.
yeah. But pot truly can be a steppingstone, undeniably.
Actually this is a myth.

I never smoke pot and I have never tried it. I may one day, but it's not a priority and it's not something I see myself doing. For one I am really cheap, and spending money on something unnecessary like drugs just sounds stupid. I am also a very relaxed and content person normally, so I have no need to feel high. Then there is the danger of addiction or...
I'm reveling in the fact that I actually passed my Federal Government class with a C. I thought for sure I was going to fail that. I failed Comp II, though, because I flunked the final and my paper was shit, so I've got to take a winter intersession class to keep my grade the same time, however, I have a $100 fine for the empty alcohol bottle they found in my room once (it was a collector's item, nothing more), and another $76 for a library fine because I kept a movie and a CD out for like, a month. This fucking blows. I have to pay the fine before I can register, but I don't get paid until tomorrow, and I can't register tomorrow, I don't think. I get my check at 1:00ish (maybe, depending on whether or not it comes in or not), and the offices close at 12:30.

I'm fucked.
...being very irresponsible and causing yourself all sorts of problems because you didn't do easy things. Maybe you shouldn't have gotten "SO stoned" all the time when you had things to do.
...being very irresponsible and causing yourself all sorts of problems because you didn't do easy things. Maybe you shouldn't have gotten "SO stoned" all the time when you had things to do.

You know, I've accepted that this is my mistake. The only times that I've gotten stoned this semester were when I didn't have anything to do. I'd finished my paper, studied for all my classes. The reason that I failed was not due to the fact that I smoked pot, the laziness that flunked my Comp II class came long before that. LONG before that. I understand the concept of "There's a time and place for that" and the middle of the school year wasn't the time to smoke pot. It was the time to go to class and do my work, but, like a moron, I was lazy and slept in a lot. I actually got up earlier on the days I was stoned than the majority of the rest of this semester. Pot didn't contribute to my failing grade in Comp II. Laziness did.

As for the fines, the alcohol bottle was a Captain Morgan bottle that I was keeping as a collector's item, and had been empty since before it even came here. Apparently, you're not even allowed empty bottles here. The library fine was more directly affected by the fact that my room was a disaster zone at the time, and I couldn't find it, but laziness factors into that as well.

I've come to the conclusion that this was my fuckup semester. Almost everybody has one of those. The difference between me and the rest of the alcoholic stoner junkies out here is that I won't do it again. I've got a lot of changes to make, and a lot of re-evaluations to do on my life. If anything, getting stoned this past week has been more relaxing than this entire semester.
I'm all about the rock life style so if you don't like my life good for you!. I would hate to have yours too. I just want you to know lifestyle is subjective and besides pointing fingers makes no sense. I think having your life(whatever that is) would suck more. Don't think I want to be in your shoes just because your pompous. I'm about an alternative lifestyle and accept lows and highs. I like music and playing my guitar not textbooks and desks,etc.. I don't even want to be succesful and and tell people that all the time. I don't want to right essays and have people tell me what to do. I don't want to work at a desks or want any jobs that require a higher education. I'd rather make shit money regardless that it can piss me off.

I can't stand schools or anyone in them. I could careless about your lifestyle or what you do. I could carless if you write the biggest essays on the planet and you're smart enough to build a space-ship at Nasa.

What the fuck ever dude.

You would not say one word to my face in person. you're a geek.

... and also your not mine or anyones mother and no one here needs some lecturing from you, you arrogant piece of shit. The world does not revolve around your ideals and standards or anyones regardless if it's here or in life.


go do your math
I never smoke pot and I have never tried it. I may one day, but it's not a priority and it's not something I see myself doing. For one I am really cheap, and spending money on something unnecessary like drugs just sounds stupid. I am also a very relaxed and content person normally, so I have no need to feel high.

I went to high school with someone who had a nearly identical mentality toward drugs. He's on his way to jail now. Want to guess why? o_O
I never smoke pot and I have never tried it. I may one day, but it's not a priority and it's not something I see myself doing. For one I am really cheap, and spending money on something unnecessary like drugs just sounds stupid.

You can get a nickelbag of decent stuff for at least five bucks :loco: