The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Where the wind blows, that's where the eagle flies.
Though we may be old, in our hearts, the iron of our love never liquifies.
Gold shining excellence of sex beholden my pene

Buh dum dum

Working in a steel mill, 9-5

Then the 60s came and you slutted off with some minority.
zabu of nΩd;10423528 said:
Tapped into my Southern roots a bit today - i cooked bacon, then eggs in the leftover bacon grease. Was kind of hoping the eggs wouldn't absorb ALL the grease, since there was like half an ounce of that shit haha, but it was pretty tasty.

That's my usual method, though I usually dump the grease, leaving a residual amount to which I add some butter so the eggs don't stick to the pan.
Zabu, next time if you're feeling creative.. cook the eggs and bacon at the same time (low/medium heat) Eggs on the inside, Bacon on the outside of the pan. I've seen this done in kitchens during brunch and the sous chefs say it makes a big difference/ that the flavor of the bacon will be absorbed by the raw egg.
I want me some nice snuggly brunette with a box cut fringe if that's what you call it, like zoey deschanel.
Zabu, next time if you're feeling creative.. cook the eggs and bacon at the same time (low/medium heat) Eggs on the inside, Bacon on the outside of the pan. I've seen this done in kitchens during brunch and the sous chefs say it makes a big difference/ that the flavor of the bacon will be absorbed by the raw egg.

Mmm, yeah i'll have to give that a try.
Zabu, next time if you're feeling creative.. cook the eggs and bacon at the same time (low/medium heat) Eggs on the inside, Bacon on the outside of the pan. I've seen this done in kitchens during brunch and the sous chefs say it makes a big difference/ that the flavor of the bacon will be absorbed by the raw egg.

when i cook
i just cook the bacon first and then use the bacon grease as the lubricant to prevent the eggs from sticking to the pan

no butter, no cooking spray, just bacon grease

Going to lake Buena Vista with a bunch of buddies to go wakeboarding, tubing, bang on some drums, and get absolutely shit tossed.

Weve been doing this every year for the past 4 years, and every year it gets better and better...Pure debauchery :kickass:
Back from the gym. Wet from the rain, once I dry off I'm gonna shower (weird, right?) and then play some guitar. And then spend my friday night doing homework, because I'm just that cool.
Just realised I'm a super taster. I don't actually like the taste of alcohol, cigs, green vegetables, tonic water and a whole load of other shit I've always assumed other people ate out of habit or something.
Been playing D&D since 11:30 or so. Took a break and went to a game store for more minis. Came back to see that my neighbor across the street had backed into my friends 2002 Honda Accord. Drivers side door was crushed along with the glass.
Cops showed up and we got all that done.... Back to more D&D!!!
The goulash is simmering away. There's too much fucking water in it though and when I drain it off it will lose the flavouring. Gay.

Edit, that wasn't a probably, it had reduced down properly, but I retardedly salted the beef before cooking through, so it got tough. Shit.

The sauce was beautiful though, totally perfect.
Girlfriend and I took mushrooms tonight. She's currently in the bathroom and I need to tell someone what I'm feeling, because fuck...
Currently listening to In The Nightside Eclipse. It feels like this album is literally the devil. For a while I felt that a vortex was opening and I was seeing into this hellish dimension. It feels like Isahn's lyrics are coming to life. It's fucking indescribable, but holy shit you people need to do mushrooms and listen to this album. Coming up later tonight is The Gallery by Dark Tranquillity and Tales From Topographic Oceans by Yes.
What Yes album would you recommend? My absolute favorite song by Yes is South Side of the Sky, but that album overall doesn't really have that feeling. If they have an album that has that same kinda epic feel I'd be totally down for it.
Listening to the first Eluveitie album and it's a very interesting experience. Really enjoying the nature samples and flutes. My girlfriend is writing. She keeps babbling nonsense and talking about how she needs to write it down. I tried to talk her out of it but she's not really coherent at the moment. I feel very distant from her, but I think it'll be better once we both come down. In a bit we're gonna share a hash brownie and go out for poutine. We went for a walk earlier and it felt like we were in a movie. It felt like I was about 5 or 6 feet behind myself, like an over-the-shoulder documentary. Definitely a strange experience. I felt a need to sorta put on a show for the camera.

EDIT: I was expecting more as far as hallucinations go. I guess acid might provide more of that? This sorta similar to being really really stoned, but very different in some ways.

I read some of what my girlfriend was writing and it wasn't words. She seems convinced it's very profound. It's strings of letters that don't form into any words in the English language. She speaks Hungarian, Romanian, and French as well, but I don't think it's any of those. I can already see her reaction tomorrow when she sees that shit. She's definitely having a very different response to the mushrooms.