The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


I haven't traveled much at all since I got back to America in July 2011. I went to MDF, Detroit because my aunt died, Atlanta for a flight attendant interview, and Montreal and NYC. I guess that counts since they're all not my hometown, but yeah. Money and vacation time are, sadly, finite and precious.

At least you get to travel lol. I've only been to 4 states: California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah :bah:. I'm spending 11 days in Colorado next month, though :headbang:.
relaxing to Rilo Kiley and debating whether another cup of coffee will make me feel better or worse. maybe doing a little writing. I'm tired but the words are flowing easily today. for now.
Just finished writing a scipt for a short-movie project. Psychological Thriller in the vein of "The Machinist".
I just hope we'll be able to pull it off at least somewhat convincingly.
I've never been to Oceania! It seems worlds away, it's like going to Asia 1 and 3/4 times.

I'm writing work essays at home. buhh
Finishing up my presentation and polishing my paper for the weekend conference in Buffalo. Gonna knock 'em dead (with confusion, at least).
Just sorted all of my concert tickets/memorabilia and am now starting to make a spreadsheet of all the shows Ive been to and all the bands Ive seen...Ive wanted to do this for awhile and Im finally just fucking doing it.

After the spreadsheet im going to put all of these in a book, so when I go to a show, I can just put the stub in the book and do a quick excel entry to keep both up tp date...Wow...Feel like a goober.
Studying for the GRE and a Linguistics test. I skipped my last linguistics class so I have no idea if I have a test tomorrow or not. I figured I'd study for it anyways and just see.
Had a busy ass day in the pharmacy today, the rush decided to go on for hours after our full day crew left. Now I'm watching the Broncos get slammed and procrastinating on homework.

edit: Tebow time!
At least you get to travel lol. I've only been to 4 states: California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah :bah:. I'm spending 11 days in Colorado next month, though :headbang:.

come to Dallas Texas and i'll show you where all the frre food is
awesome free food
lasagna and chocolate cake and all the cheese-covered-bagels you can eat
Eating pie, trying to figure out what to dress up as for my mom and her boyfriends helloweeen party (I'm thinking Abbath). I also have to figure out what booze to buy so i can get his daughter drunk. Luckily my hair is long now so that saves me money on a wig. :D
Than going shopping for food (probably more pie)