The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just got home, i was hit by a car going about 20km. I ended up rolling over the hood of the car and the drink i was carrying was thrown 10 feet or so. Drivers are nuts these days, 7th time this year ive been hit and i take extreme caution when crossing the street. Now i'm preparing for my job interview tommorow. :puke:

i get hit by cars alot too, but i never post about it cuz i never have to go to the ER about it

when i get hit by cars, it's always those wierd flimsy [aluminum i think, fiberglass, maybe??] type of car (i think it's the kind that they don't sell outside of America) that totally crumples like paper when it hits me, so when i get hit by a car, it doesn't actually injure me, at all, it's kinda wierd, and then i see the twisted metal and it's like "Oh my fucking God, this dumbass was driving an empty aluminum soda can on wheels!!"

just a week ago i had a shiny black car slam into me, crumple like paper just like all the others, while the driver was texting, and this blond-haired-cleavage-showing bimbo in a micro-mini-skirt gets out and actually bitches at me for fucking up the front end of her car

what the fucking hell??
Onder prefers vodka because he's a paggot. Gin is for men.

edit1: A gin and tonic is like the perfect drink while on a date. It's manly and it doesn't make your breath smell like dogshit.

edit2: I find myself getting tired of beer and wine and other alcohol at times, but never once have I ever gotten tired of drinking gin. Goddamn it's good.

edit3: As a matter of fact, that's the one bitch thing you can point out about 007. He orders vodka martinis when they should have been gin. Man up double-o, you cunt.

edit4: And you should always take your G&T in a highball glass, never a whiskey glass. If you are served a G&T in a whiskey glass, pimp slap that motherfucker and teach him how it's done.
Am I the only one who finds gin a vile and foul-tasting substance far inferior to other liquors and associates it largely with nineteenth-century alcoholics who drink from flasks?
lol not a chance. They stop and say there sorry every time knowing it was there fault. It's just the road i live on.
There always woman on there cell phones or talking to the person next to them.
When i get hit the light is red and it's my time to cross the street. It's kinda obvious i'm not the problem. I'm a clean, good looking respectable man. Not some skinny shaggy haired faggot like astrum, fuckin 17 year old faggot with ugly ass girlfriend. :)

If it wasn't for my incredible cat like reflexes i would be in the ER.
Was linked to a feminist blog where the girl complains about straight people being too straight and proclaims white guilt/privilege hypocritically interspersed with posts about high fashion and how she goes to NYU (2nd most expensive college in the US).

Blasting South Of Heaven and wanting to smash a table.
Was linked to a feminist blog where the girl complains about straight people being too straight and proclaims white guilt/privilege hypocritically interspersed with posts about high fashion and how she goes to NYU (2nd most expensive college in the US).

Blasting South Of Heaven and wanting to smash a table.
NYU's not #1 anymore?

I'm a clean, good looking respectable man. Not some skinny shaggy haired faggot like astrum, fuckin 17 year old faggot with ugly ass girlfriend. :)

Your an idiot kid.

Well, it's clear to me that you're an intelligent fellow with lots of worthwhile things to say. Definitely not putting you on ignore.
Just got home, i was hit by a car going about 20km. I ended up rolling over the hood of the car and the drink i was carrying was thrown 10 feet or so. Drivers are nuts these days, 7th time this year ive been hit and i take extreme caution when crossing the street. Now i'm preparing for my job interview tommorow. :puke:

there is more to car accidents than being physically harmed,there is also a certain mental trauma that some people may go through. It doesnt matter even if the person never hit you, the fact a car is going so fast and than slamming on the breaks a second before they hit you is enough to talk about it. What if the person never looked and slammed the breaks? close calls should be taken serious. Drivers need to wake up, there are so many deaths that can be avoided.
astrum watch what you say to some people, my best friend was struck 4 years ago infront of my house and killed and the car was just turning at about 15km, it wasn't his turn to go.

Simple mind you must have. I said ive been hit 7 times this year.
When i was refering to cat like reflexes i was talking about the times they were going 80km. This time they were going slow but i stood no chance of getting out of the way because they pressed the gas before they were suppose to go about 8 feet away from me, luckily they were not going 80km, and luckily for my cat like reflexes i would of been in ER those other times.

@waif i have my masters degree. Grow up.